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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Getaway in Stockholm 4 This one was bad ass! And the Vette driver has killer hair
  2. I saw it. Good runs, both cars sound great.
  3. That video just creeps me out. I'm dead inside
  4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6911871233660853920
  5. Primera

    O RLY? virus

    http://www.crn.com.au/story.aspx?CIID=37699 Pretty damn funny if you ask me
  6. The wheels look good! I think it'd look real good if you painted the chrome lining of the grille black.
  7. I saw you getting out of your car outside of your house the other day. Yes, I'm stalking you
  8. Primera

    Hey Hey C-BUS

    I suck at being sarcastic on the internet. http://nismopc.tripod.com/images/Delaware%20Nissan%20Meet%20040304/DSCF0105.JPG (this is another photochop)
  9. Primera

    Hey Hey C-BUS

    That's impossible! They never sold Skylines in the US!! Don't believe the lies
  10. ^ Young Jeezy might be the worst rapper of all time "Patty cake, patty cake, microwave"? But back on topic, props to Anthony for losing all that weight. Now gain some weight, you are damn near as skinny as me.
  11. Well, of course they won't notice as much. I think going under 20-25% is absolutely pointless and you are just asking for the cops to pull you over. I have 35% on my fronts (25% in the back). Anytime I pull up next to a cop, I make sure to open my sunroof, bringing more light in the cabin so the fronts look legal.
  12. I saw this on TV. Colbert definitely had some balls and I commend him for it
  13. This is the Battle of the Bands, right? My band was gonna be in it but a couple of us couldn't get out of work. I'm thinking by energetic rock, they mean along the lines of Everytime I Die. I could be wrong, just assuming since "Last Night In Town" is an ETID album they'd be one of those bands.
  14. So Kyle's got a Lambo now. Shit, you have a nice fleet of cars
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