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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Sounds like something a ricer would do I may have to head out there one of these nights. Probably not tonight though
  2. Well, the video was pretty damn shitty, but the car sounded good.
  3. Bring it back, I love ignorant shitheads
  4. So, in other words, some people are just fucking retarded
  5. Why not just take it back to the store you bought it from?
  6. Blingo This search engine is powered by Google. Basically, throughout the day, there are random times where the first person to search at that time will win a prize. You just need to tell them where to send it. There's no trick to it, just use it instead of Google and you might luck out and win an iPod, $200 Visa gift card or something smaller like a movie certificate. On top of that, if you refer someone to the site and they win a prize, you win it too! Only your first 10 searchs a day will be considered for prizes so it's not like you should just search nonstop all day to win. You can read more about it here Alright, I'm done spamming. But seriously, check it out
  7. The only guide you'll ever need
  8. Well, good work on tracking down some really rare wheels. If the center wasn't so chrome, they wouldn't look nearly as bad. I just think of kids drifting in parking lots when I see split 3 spoke wheels
  9. Nice wheels, I actually had a set just like them on my car for a while (in 4 lug): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/sig.jpg
  10. That's one hell of a setup you got there, man! Now clean that shit up
  11. There's a site I've been going through for a while now for mp3s. It's Allofmp3.com. It's a russian site that is waaaay cheaper than going through itunes music store. You get full albums for ~$1.50 @ 192kbps. I haven't had a single issue with the site yet
  12. Yeah, you do. I'd much rather watch this than this or this ..and don't forget this thread
  13. I'm sure that van still reeks of 70s hippie sex
  14. Shit man, that's horrible. I have that same sub setup (2 infinity 1030s/box) that I'm about to put up for sale. However, I bought it from ada922 a while back on here.
  15. It's been a while, a couple hits of the bong make you forget common knowledge like this
  16. Shit, your right...it was Oddjob EDIT: beat me to it
  17. Wasn't it Jaws? I fucking hated when people picked him
  18. http://www.g20.net/forum/showthread.php?t=46585 Another sighting
  19. Yeah.. killer idea, use myspace to get back at her! That's the ticket!
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