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Posts posted by Primera

  1. i post 50-60 a day i think..he dont


    I was seriously just wondering; do your retinas have the "post reply" button burnt into them yet?



    P.S. - I think my flywheel is loose and making some fun noises so I'm gonna drop by the shop this weekend and get a second opinion. kthxbai!

  2. I had a post like this, it got kinda extreme with a bunch of small charges that all posted at once (a bar that decided to post 8 different transactions from up to 6 months prior). I had transferred the funds to balance it that day but it was after the time it needed to be in.


    Sadly, you'll probably be out of luck. Banks aren't your friend, in this case.

  3. I didn't get the satisfaction when it asks me like this..


    "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?



    Type: Text Document

    Size: 3 bytes

    Date modified: 11/27/09 11:38 AM"



    Rubbing one out in the morning does more for my outlook than giggling at a dumb forwarded email.

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