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Posts posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. say on top of the bomb shelter you build a free standing structure above ground. In the exact shape of the structure underground. with this being said, there wouldnt be any disturbance of the natural aquifer by the underground structure, because the above ground structure would hide any of this.


    An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. Unless your structure has permiability roughly equal to the surrounding rock, you are disturbing it.


    What would this have to do with your question?

  2. You could go deep enough to hide the heat, but all electric generators, wiring, and appliances give off an electro-magnetic field which travels through earth/rock/concrete. If power is cut off to an area, one could track electro-magnetic field fluctuations to your location.
  3. Names mike i currently drive nothing but have been in the scene before. From toledo just moved down here. used to rock out a 2.5 turbo 1991 daytona 5 spd with t-tops and some goodies. here to have a good time and find the scene down here. im dying to see what everyone has.


    Sorry I did not the sticky on the intro thread. Haven't had to introduce myself on the forums for a while. I am also on Toledotuners.com. I joined here hoping to go to more meets and meet more people then I have on toledotuners.com. The guys up there rice a lot and bitch a lot. And to many kids up there think there busted piles are to sweet and fast.



    Damn my bad guys. I dont think it was a girls car but to each his own. I didnt like the fact that it was FWD. But it was my first boosted car and that is why I got it. Wanted to learn something. That and I didn't see 1,000 every day like a mustangs and such.



    All I can think of for now. And yes I do plan on getting something. I just have to get some cash flow again which starts monday. Hopefully have either a older bike or a car by mid to late winter to get out for the nice weather.


    Your grammar sucks. Please punch your english teacher in the throat for me!




    Grammar Nazi

  4. wtf..the ambiguously gay duo....wow that's some old Saturday night live shit


    random....what a douche bag....psss...secret: I love haters.... lol that's why I love VW's, they're cool and peep's always dog em. :) But hey, nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy hatin on my car. lol :asshole:


    Partially fixed the other abomination, besides your car. It's your grammar. Also, ellipses(...) are not common punctuation, you toad.



    Grammar Nazi!

  5. I'm calling Bullshit!


    He has either found the heartiest yeast strain know to man, or he's is fortifying it with a distilled alcohol. Beer and wine are limited to a maximum alcohol content of about 20% ABV, as most yeasts cannot reproduce when the concentration of alcohol is above this level; consequently, fermentation ceases at that point.

  6. My next car is going to be a kia rio hahaha.


    Someone on ohio hondas said their car was stolen from galloway and was found in the hilltop area on the 26th, less than a mile from where my car was found.


    It's highly possible there is someone lurking on Ohio Hondas

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