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Posts posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. but I only owned this car 3 weeks and i bought it in Tennessee.


    You have told people about it, you have more than likely shown it to people whom you do not know. If you took it to a "honda meet" or a parking lot gathering , that's the most likely place for someone shady to have noted it.

  2. Thank you. I love it, it feels so amazing when i strap it on (that's what she said)


    Any new additions for you as of late?


    I've been close, but I keep having an E55 vision cloud my judgement.....


    BTW. How do you like the instruction manual? I've had textbooks that were a lighter read!

  3. Let me get this straight:


    1. You knowingly put your dog's and you neighbor's well being in danger because you won't put him on a leash, even though you know he will chase bikes?


    2. You then threaten his life if the dog is injured while causing an accident by chasing down a bike on a public street?


    3. You threaten assault with a deadly weopon, possibly vehicular homicide, possibly pre-meditated murder, if you see him riding his bike again?


    You sir are possibly the most illogical, mis-guided, and quite frankly the most idiotic person I have never known.

  4. Have shot! It's a blast to shoot, just remember a hangover and a recoil headache don't mix well. Seriously, The gun is just too big for my hands.


    My buddy has had Desert Eagle in .50 and the .44 with multiple length barrels, Now he has trimmed down to an LAR Grizzly with .45 Win Mag, .357, and .45 ACP barrels, a 454 Casull, a couple of .44 mag revolvers, and a Delta Elite 10mm.

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