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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Hell, he should have said hi. I was kinda wondering who would shove people out of the way to squeeze between two cars, when there was an entire row of spaces just behind. BTW, I was the one in the Skyline...
  2. Did you pull in, moving a few people, and park next to the maroon Skyline at about 11:15?
  3. I rolled in at 10:45 (for about 20 mins), chatted with Linn and (Not) Brian, and got surrounded by so much teenage cock that I bolted for some adult beverages.
  4. Jerking off 124x a week is much better than swapping receiving turns with 04srturbo every other day. Do you two work at the same Wendy's? ...and my Mother and Father just had their 50th anniversary, so the closest you'll ever be related to me is married to the man who cuts my hair.
  5. Aw, Thank you for your kind comments: Negative rep point: "your a fucking prick I can't wait to drag ur shit down 270" With much love, The Grammar Nazi "To correct, and serve"
  6. Yeah, MW fucked up my brother in law's, and half the other tuxes for his wedding last month. This is why I own my own tux. It also is a bonus I can wear it out clubbing too. Nothing attracts more chicks than a powder blue tux, ruffled shirt, and white bucks on the feets!
  7. Raymond...Muirfield Village Golf Club....close enough! I refuse to organize anything golf related. I have just completed 3 straight weeks of 90+ hours, culminating in around 130 last week. I'd rather eat a bullet, than to deal with anything golf related at this moment. But, I'd still play if this gets arranged.
  8. It is about swing AND club head speed. This is correct, but they do have boundaries. I'm 5'8" 160. I have a good swing....but I can also snap my wrists and generate club head speeds measured at over 110 mph. This is hard to control, but looooooong (meaning: don't try this on anything but a goat ranch public course). I'd put $20 in for this. or....Up it to $50. Stipulations are: 8 degree lofted driver, hit off of the ground (no tee).
  9. ...that, and getting people so upside down in car loans that they are paying $600 a month for a Hyundai.
  10. I've been using Napa 1333 truck filters for 2.5 years now with no problems.
  11. Largo bar? Are you chasing that bartender/manager Howard?
  12. Are you hourly? If so, go cry to someone else. I'll trade you works schedules for the next month. I will put in no less than 90 hours a week, and probably end in the 120's for the week starting Memorial Day. All of this on salary.
  13. It's been far too long but I attribute it to the fact that you are skeered to play me in pool. I guess I have been imagining you as a redhead, when I'm all alone, thinking of our last meeting..... Wooohooo! She's not gonna wear underwear!
  14. Dammit. Where do you people learn that "lol" can be substituted for punctuation? Anyway, Welcome newb!
  15. I must protest. I did not dedicate myself to the craft of the cowbell for all of these months, just to be upstaged by a redhead with breastesesses. I don't care how good you are! It will be my debut. Mine alone! Now just stand at the front of the stage and throw underwear, like a good groupie!
  16. After many months of intense practice, I have now mastered every song, on expert level, on Cowbell Hero. I believe I am ready for my public debut.
  17. For those of you with a fourth-grade, or higher, reading level, I have taken the liberty of translating his post into something we all can understand:
  18. I thought your penis burned to the ground on April 25th?
  19. "I'd so eat this up for an RC race car, and when I've finally grown tired of first-person view from my toys, I'll send a home-made SCUD missile to my neighbor's window, and I can watch the eerie gawk of terror." Bwahahahahahahaha! "I'm going to strap that on an R/C helicopter along with a remotely controlled bb gun. I will call it Squirrel Hunter and all the neighborhood cats will learn to fear it." Ya killing me! ahahahahahaha! "I thought i could use it to get a squirrel's eye view now i just need to find an army of mutated neo-squirrels, complete with alpha male, to clean the homeless out of golden gate park" Comedy gold here! "I am so putting this on my dog and letting him loose in the ladies' locker room."
  20. Hilliard and Lewis center stores: http://www.pickupspluscars.com/
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