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Posts posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Because the RX-8 is rotary & modded cars are usually a lot more powerful than anything stock.


    I have a good idea how "fast" rotaries are, I've owned 3 and been "modding" them since you were in Kindergarten.



    To the OP, I wouldn't hesitate putting my wife in an RX8.

  2. Unless you have a written contract detailing your specific role and job duties, you are at his whim. I refer to a contract and not a job description.


    As Ohio is an "employment at will" state, you can be fired for any reason so long as it is not an 'illegal" termination. http://research.lawyers.com/Ohio/Employment-Law-in-Ohio.html


    I would strongly request a face to face meeting with your boss, and his boss, to discuss your displeasure with your change in roles. You walk a tight rope if you approach this in any other way but cordially and professionally.

  3. you must be confused. sorry if your girl doesnt let you out of the kitchen but i dont know how to cook, do laundry, or operate the dish washer, and i have no desire to learn, because all that shit is her job.


    Every time you hit the Submit Reply button my opinion of you lowers exponentially.



  4. that's why I nut and piss inside her.


    Between this and the loofa........


    I worship all that is you!



    Actually, I finish my split stream piss all over everything. Then I use the "Don't use those towels, they are for decoration! to wipe up and leave them in a ball on the sink (which I don't use because I never wash my hands afterward)


    She yells too much if I use her pillow as a Zamboni!





    You sushi newbs need to get it right!


    Faster. You need a hotter (non stick) skillet when searing the scallops. You cannot caramelize the sugars into a crust properly without at least a 450 degree skillet.

  6. I had laproscopic (prostate) surgery on Feb 3rd. I was home the next evening. I was off of all pain meds, and out shopping and walking around all day, 8 days after surgery. The lifting part is what will take the longest to be ready to handle.
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