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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Everything posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. i know we have talked white boy rappin before...if you are a wiz khalifa fan here is one of his boys. tom
  2. +1 jamie, if you dont mind me asking, what do you do for a living...other than have fun? tom
  3. Rant on... Last night my wife's van was broken into, it was parked in our driveway. they took two purses, her wallet, and our garage door opener. they left tons of other stuff in the van, and left the doors open...geethx. so this morning she goes to leave for work, and that is what she finds. fyi it is a huge pita to file stolen reports and close accounts. doesnt help they have her ss card, and dl now too. even better it rained like the world was going to end, so there is standing water in the van. i dont care what anyone says about her leaving the items in the van, it was a mistake, and one she has never made before. it doesnt matter anyway, someone has our stuff and that is the bottom line, it doesnt belong to them. our dogs went crazy a couple times last night, but we figured it was just because of the storm. our neighbor got hit too. why do bad things happen to good people? fml tom
  4. Let me know what prices you get quoted. Ironically I need almost the exact same thing done. Tom
  5. Thinking of going...anyone have any ideas where to stay? How was it? All inclusive is a plus. Okthx Tom
  6. anyone have any recommendations for a shop to replace one of the axles in my accord? i can do it myself, however i dont have time to mess with it, and it is way easier with a lift. tom
  7. they are legit...just have to know what you are buying. tom
  8. i remember seeing this thing all over cl last year...nice boat. tom
  9. imo it is also for someone that doesnt like surprises. i would rather know exactly what i am going to pay every month than pay 300 in February and 30 in August. tom
  10. i have been on the "budget" plan for gas and electric since i have owned my home. it is exactly what you described. at the end of your 12 month payment cycle, you either owe, or have a "refund". if you have a "refund" they just credit your account until you are caught up. tom
  11. anyone know when this 3-5 is gonna start falling? tom
  12. http://www.camtaylor.com it seems to be more up to date. tom
  13. yep. it is a huge liability, trust, training issue. tom
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