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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Everything posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. +1 Not much interest to be made with CDs right now.
  2. That is all. Tom PS move this to the college football threaad tomorrow okthxbye
  3. no offense here, but im surprised cpd lets civilian ride alongs get out of the car on traffic stops or any calls for service. God forbid something happens to you, while you are under the officers care, ugh i couldnt even imagine that scenario. i am glad you enjoyed your ride, sounds like you picked up on some thing you liked. you already know this, but cpd is alot different from any of the suburb police departments, whitehall included. good luck with your test. have you been through the academy yet, or are you trying to get hired first? tom
  4. Worthington Jewelers on High st/161. ask about the half off appraisal deal. they have a coupon, but will usually offer it to anyone that asks, especially for watches. normally same day turn around...might even type it up while you wait. tom
  5. deyo doors in sunbury have done work at my parents and my house before. seems like a good group. tom
  6. i know who installed that rear bumper... tom ps: the car looks good.
  7. you guys might feel the pay is low for the job, but when i read this thread i see a couple things. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88092 a guy taking a week off of work, during the holidays to work on his TBSS, and a BMW. I guess what i am getting at is, if you stay for a while, and do work, you might have a chance at moving up. just saying... tom
  8. Vzw to vzw text will show it went through on their phone however your phone will never receive it. I believe when they call they will get a generic this call can't be completed message. This thread is worthless without a story. One guess...crazy female? Tom
  9. i lol everytime these guys put something new out. plus huge bonus for jessica alba and blake lively in the same video. tom
  10. gotta give him credit for playing along. tom
  11. watch chronoshark.com daily for a deal on a Sturhling skeleton if you go that route. they seem to run 79-129 depending on what it is. tom
  12. lol, bob...i knew as soon as i typed that i should of gone into more detail. first off, i don't have a problem with automatic watches, at all. i guess what i meant was the auto i purchased was a special occasion watch, and i wanted/needed a new daily. i didnt want to worry about it not keeping time if i didnt wear it for a month or two. i also had no interest in buying a new winder. there is nothing wrong with mechanical movement, all of the self winders i have are great. on the other side of the coin in today's day and age most mid-high quartz pieces work pretty well too. i think that people hear automatic, and instantly think better. i guess unlike most, i dont favor one over the other. to me it is all about usage, if i think it looks good, then movement. there are tons of auto and battery "fashionable, hot right now" watches that i wouldnt ever wear. to me the most important thing about a time piece is how you, the owner feels overall about it. tom
  13. I bought a tissot automatic kept it for a day and returned it. Nothing wrong with it, just didnt care about the auto gimick for a daily. Tom
  14. new daily, no on the wrist pics yet. http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc217/magipipes/V82009.jpg
  15. looks like ice some how formed around the pump causing a lack of fluid. i guess the ice also caused the pump from even running. what a pita, all is fixed now. thanks. please lock. tom
  16. this is a horrible time of year to be missing your windshield washer. i am not even sure if i use it any other time of the year. the pump doesnt come on, meaning i cant hear it run, however the wipers cycle like normal. i checked fuse 7 (washer) and 12 (wipers), both good. help, tom
  17. it was huge in europe...then this happened... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aOjWQ6bGZI so it will be huge here now. tom
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