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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I have indian blood in me, and I still say kick the ilegals out. Anything else?
  2. One down, one still for sale. Comes with data cable and charger, lookin for 85.
  3. ok. Ill pick it up this weekend, let you look at it and see if it will work for you.
  4. Actually, flamethrowers arent sounding to bad. Keep it for the ones that dont get a clue. First 2 times, you get the greyhound, 3rd time, you get toasted.
  5. Sorry, out all weekwnd on duty. Pming you.
  6. I laugh at emissions equipment.
  7. Thats the kind of shit that makes insurance expensive.
  8. Got a blue pump at my shop, how soon you need this?
  9. Its in the sig. MS likes the extra cubes, the injectors dont. Im at 100% duty by 3k rpm. 1000 CFM and 8 60 lb injectors after break in.
  10. If it survives break in, and I finally get it tuned right, I should be out with it.
  11. For anyone reading through and may have forgotten: If you enter this country illegaly, you are a criminal. You deserve no rights that are aforded to our citizens. None. Get out. Give us you poor, tired, hungry... If they come here legally and go throught the process. Think there is a reason the process is dificult? Because we want to make sure the people coming in legally wont just turn into leeches on the system. For grins, anyone know the requirements or imigrating to mexico? The make ours look like a freebie. Wonder why mexico is helping so many people try to get in the us? Anyone know mexicos 2nd bigest national income, oil being #1? To the tune of 63 Billion a year...... People working in the US and sending the money back to mexico. Eric: what figures did you pull for unemployment being up? Last I checked, 3-4% unmployment is the standard of everyone who wants a job, has one. The rest are mostly permenant welfare recipiants, and people transitioning jobs. http://forecasts.org/unemploy.htm http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/unemp/UnempPressRelease.htm
  12. 75 for that motor? Hell, thats half of what I paid for that pile from hoblick. Got my moneys worth
  13. Legal imigration is good. Ilegals are just that. ILLEGAL. If we would enforce the laws we already have, this wouldnt even be in the news. If you hop the fence, you are invading this country. Shot on sight. Amnesty? I dont think so. You hopped a fence and broke the law to get here, so now I am going to take your word that you whernt a murderer or rapist in mexico, fleeing to here? Not a chance. We have a few armor divisions and infantry regiments laying around, not doing a while lot at the moment. Im all for letting them go down and sit on the border. Other countries think its extreme and cruel? Fuck em, our country, not theirs. Ill rant more later.
  14. Bigger, better, more evil plans already in the works. :nod:
  15. Print, edit names, give to wife. That is seriously F'ed up.
  16. Fart in his office. At curent prices, it should be worth a few bucks at least.
  17. Filled up with 93 last night at the UDF for 2.75 Anyone have a site that gives the prices for E85?
  18. Swapped the POS 307 out of the brick, for a fresh 455 olds. (Thanks for the hookup on the motor joel/mudbutt) ON the stand, next to its predecessor http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P4020047.jpg Sexy.... http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P4020050.jpg Almost in there http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P4020053.jpg Tight like a virgin, but its in there. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P4020055.jpg
  19. That lovely pile of bolts, the 1991 ford shitstiva. Here is how that 1.6 died. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190008.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190020.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190021.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190022.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190025.jpg http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/P3190026.jpg
  20. Damn. That would be fun as hell.
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