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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. The voice of reason has spoken. Hell, if you want to spend, put a 100s shot on the moostang, keep it for the economy driver and have the option of pushing the button once in a while.
  2. I was thinking blowgun. Paintballs to start, and keep an acurate count of how many there are. Then darts to start weeding them out a little. .22 with 2liter is nice, but riochet could suck, and discharge of firearm in city limits is illegal if you get caught.
  3. Lustalbert

    ya think?

    She dosent even know it was in?
  4. Her using any referance to "bee" makes the mopar in me want to go balistic on her. The fact she is on the cellphone makes me want to invent an aimable EMP discharge. Not only fry her phone, but jolt the car while Im at it. Eric, any intrest in EMP?
  5. not that I wasnt headed there anyways, but dosent http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20060419/capt.vat11204191326.vatican_pope_anniversary_vat112.jpg?x=380&y=304&sig=vrjyUvzXT4N1tfmhoQdl4w-- kinda look like http://www.baf.org.uk/2004/img/whatson/3d/gollum.jpg Anyone who would like to catch the express elevator to the basement of hell with me, feel free to photochop away.
  6. Its a drug, you are addicted. Pay up for the habbit mang.
  7. Acidentaly drank some c-16 and made they boys super swimmers. Congrats again man. Pit crew in a few years FTW
  8. reprograming the lights. That should last for a month or so till someone figures out how to reprogram the light changing boxes people put in thier cars.
  9. Damn. I did not realize there where that many other sites to waste time on.
  10. Really tired from last night, but still found the enegy to laugh at that.
  11. Daaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyymmmnnn. You got KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!
  12. Breating some new life in this thread: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060418/ts_alt_afp/usaccidentferrariit_060418123251 It appears he is fucked now.
  13. Working that issue, Ill let you know in a while.
  14. UHHH. Hi. Who the hell are you?
  15. If they are matched, both injectors will be the same color. If unmatched, they will be difrent colors. Some carb cleaner should do wonders for taking the crud off of the injectors so you can identify what color they are.
  16. I prefer the sound of my oversized detriot iron.
  17. That just needed to be in more than one post. Damn.
  18. We do this just to keep you on your toes.
  19. Not at all. You will need a gasket set though. Im not sure if this truck has matched or unmatched injectors, make sure you check before you swap em out. Some of the v6s had one injector slightly larger (+5lb) due to a fuel distrubution problem. Make sure you clean em up good, and note what color they are. Color code on inj Engine Flow lbs/hr @ 13psi TBI bore GM part # Black/White 2.8L 33 35mm 5235430 Yellow/Blue 4.3L 45 43mm 5235203 Green/White 5.0L 40 43mm 5235279 Orange/Black 5.7L PU 55 43mm 5235206 Yellow/Brown 5.7L CopCar 65 43mm 17084327 Blue/Black Late BB PU 80 51mm 1708430 D Red/D Blue Early BB PU 90 51mm 5235231
  20. I have an idea. Land mines. You can climb over a fence. :gets video camera: this is gona be sweet.
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