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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. $92 for a burnt out bulb? Thats a little fucked up. Gota pay for dougnuts somehow though....
  2. If we find the theif, would you like to take first shot with the baseball bat? Ill keep an eye out.
  3. Am I seeing it right. Pink front TS covers? Pink flame accents in the grill? Wow, whada dumbcunt.
  4. This thread now reminds me of a gyroscope. Spining at a frantic pace, and going absolutely nowhere.
  5. What type of vehicle, what interior options, factory with leather, or converting from fabric, any custom work, or all factory peices. There is alot to consider on what an interior will cost. Ill see if I can hunt up a few interior places and list em for you to call.
  6. Might be out. 800 more miles till I can open her up.
  7. Lustalbert

    thurs april 13th.

    Isnt that like jerking off? All you are doing is reving it up, but not really doing anything.....
  8. Both sold, feel free to lock er up.
  9. Changing the oil in the brick, quality time with a timing light, polishing compund, wax and easter dinner.
  10. Rob, I didnt know you ever owned a Camaro.
  11. The neighbors must love you right now...
  12. In a word: Iran Irans nukes spook the investors, drives up oil prices. Also, free market, if I have something you want, and you keep apying the higher prices, why wouldnt I keep rasing the price?
  13. Brian, buy it now, double up on the payments while you are deployed. Ill see what the wife thinks.
  14. Or you had the computers and just turned them into a firewall..... Couldnt resist
  15. Lots of anchors, just in time for boating season.... Just for grins, what are you looking for if I wanted all the shit for one complete 351?
  16. Still, damn thats gona be fun to drive.
  17. Keith, its even easier on a car with aftermarket FI. Just keep 2 maps on the laptop, and switch as needed. BTW, welcome back, where the hell you been?
  18. Simple final solution. We have a ton of nukes aying around. Use the area next to the border as a test range. Random nuclear detonations should keep most people from even thinking of trying to cross. Cheap glass too.
  19. http://www.improvedconstructionmethods-houston.com/images/Partner900CutoffSaw.jpg
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