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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Still fo sale. I have the chargers, and the data cable for data transfer to/from you pc.
  2. Still fo sale. Biidy bump.
  3. +1 on easy outs. I doubt that the bolt is alum, would be way to soft, more likely it is a mild steel, grade 5ish or less. Sears/Craftsman used to have good sets of easy outs, snapon's ones kick ass. Harbor freight is one to avoid on this kind of tool, the cheap ones have inferior metal that will not "bite into" the screw, instead it will just flatten out its the ridges on the tool.
  4. Filter let something slide by when the oil was cold (bypass opened) and it got into the oil gallery for the lifters?
  5. 5 dolla. Seriously, any rough price would be good and keep the mods from raining down fire and brimstone upon this thread.
  6. We are all along for the ride. Im gona be naughty.....
  7. Murphy's Laws of Combat · You are not Superman. · Recoilless rifles aren't. · Suppressive fire won't. · If it's stupid, but works, it's not stupid. · Don't look conspicuous. It draws fire. · Never draw fire. It makes everyone around you nervous. · When in doubt, empty the magazine. · Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you. · Always keep in mind that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. · If your attack is going well, it's an ambush. · If you can't remember . . . the claymore is probably pointed at you. · All five second grenade fuses are three seconds. · Try to look unimportant. The enemy may be low on ammo. · If you are forward of your position the artillery will be short. · The enemy diversion you're ignoring is the main attack. · The easy way is always mined. · The important things are always simple. · The simple things are always hard. · When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the enemy. · Incoming fire has the right of way. · No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection. · No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat. · Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy other people to shoot at. · If the enemy is in range, so are you. · Friendly fire isn't. · Anything you can do can get you shot ... including doing nothing. · Make it too tough for the enemy to get in ... and you can't get out. · Tracers work both ways. · The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire. · Radios will fail as soon as you need something desperately. · When both sides are convinced they are about to lose . . . they are both right. · Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs. · All weather close support doesn't work in bad weather. · The bursting radius of a grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range. · The only terrain that is truly controlled is the terrain upon which you're standing. · The law of the bayonet says the man with the bullet wins. · REMFs are everywhere. · The best tank killer is another tank. Therefore tanks are always fighting each other . . . and have no time to help the infantry. · Remember, your weapons and equipment were made by the lowest bidder · Precision bombing is normally accurate within plus/minus one mile. · Cluster bombing from B-52s and C-130s is very, very accurate. They always hit the ground. · Murphy was an 11 Bravo · Perfect plans aren't. · The easy way generally gets you killed. · The side with the fanciest uniforms losses. · Armored vehicles are bullet magnets; a moving foxhole that attracts attention. · If you are short of everything except enemy, you're in combat. · No plan survives the first few seconds of combat. · Ammo is cheap; your life isn't. · It's easier to expend material in combat than to fill out the forms for Graves Registration. · If you can't see the enemy, they still may be able to see you. · Final protective fire doesn't. · You can win without fighting, but it's a lot tougher to do. And the enemy may not cooperate. . If 2 items are required to be together to work, they can not be packaged together or shipped together.
  8. Waiting for an admin to plug the donation link..... J/K
  9. Curious as well. BTW if alum is anodized, will alky still corode it?
  10. Lustalbert

    The NWS thing

    Im a goverment employe, all I do is surf the web at work. Seriously, I usually troll around cr on my lunch, and if I take a 5 minuter brain breather once in a while to check the garage sale or the parking lot for something funny. The NWS is kinda handy for those imbedded pitures the arent big brother approved.
  11. Excelent. No plans for giggle gas on this project. Yet. Go cart with nitrous..... hmmm
  12. Thats clasified as a SMG, much easier to control. And I know a site that has about 1500 of those WWII vintage. Selling one once in a while, serious inquires only (eg do you want the new zo6 or the thompson) If only I could win the lottery......
  13. Any decent IRS works for me, as long as it can handle a little power. Did I mention this go cart will be powered by a v-8?
  14. No shit. Vances FTW. Outside city limits.
  15. I love this place. "Teh internet is for pOrn"........ Lots of good info around here, and always someone that at least knows something about what the hell ever it is.
  16. No big rush, whenever parts become available. This is one of those weekend projects that I only get to spend about 1 weekend a month on if Im lucky. Whenever you do unload the parts, leme know, ill be down there in a heart beat to pick em up.
  17. For the guys that got rid of thier IRS and went solid rear, or people who are parting out an IRS car, what are you looking to get out of a useable rear? Dont need the center, just the rest of the setup. I am basicly building a rear motor go cart, and pricing options right now. Thanks Andrew
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