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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Wow. A bunch of computer geeks comparing thier e-dicks and 733t skillz. Makes that sound kinda tempting.
  2. Lustalbert

    WTB: 350 block

    Big block olds cranks bolt into the 350 diesel block. Throw on a set of decent heads and you have a 427ish small block that you can blow/boost/spray the shit out of. Oh yeah, the main webs are SOLID. If I had some more time and $, it would already be done.
  3. He has the driver weight reduction mod installed.
  4. Seems like a good idea. One problem that is screaming at me is the problem of condensation in the oil. Since this engine dosent seem to get as hot, will the oil still reach a high enough tempature to evaporate any water that has gotten into the oil. Also, there is always a little bit of blowby, so you have water vapor entering the crank case past the rings, and condensing on the still cold oil. I guess if it is in an industrial aplication where it will be running long enough to ensure a proper warm up, this wouldnt be as big of a problem, but in an auto where short trips dont allow for a full warm up, this condensation could get to the point of coroding the internals.
  5. Class 3 liscence with the SOT tax aditional and then you can purchase post 1986 weapons as a dealer. You will hafto actulally sell some firearms to the police or some other agency that can legaly own them, otherwise sitting on invetory and not selling anything is considered tax fraud (due to the $200 transfer tax waived for dealer to dealer transfers) Pre 86 weapons are a matter of getting local law enforcement to sign off on a batf-4 (I think thats the form) and then it can be transfered to a private citizen. If you start your own incorpirated buisiness, then you can list class III weapons as an investment, or as a business expense if you incorparate as a security firm, but the weapons will never belong to you personally, and if the business gets sued, they are part of the assets. You can also become a class II SOT and maufacture your own, but its an ass ton of paperwork. All tings aside, yes I would love to own a few 18s, and if it where posible to keep a full auto .45 from going straight to the sky, Id rock it.
  6. Lustalbert

    WTB: 350 block

    I have a 350 olds i can part with for a very resonable price. Comes with crank, rods, pistons, heads, all disasembled. Also have a 350 olds diesel block complete if that is more your speed. Leme know Andrew
  7. Get lawyer, have lawyer talk to prosecuter about plea bargin. If the prosecutor wants to save some $ for the courts, and the lawyer is decent, should be able to get a work privilages and com service in the bargin. If the prosecutor and judge are both dicks, tell her to invest in a nice bicycle.
  8. What I would have posted if I would have gotten to work eariler. When I drive a truck, I keep right at the speed limit. On average a full size truck weighs a fair amount more than a mid size car, and requires a longer stopping distance. The ones I dont get are the knuckle heads that think because its a lexus 470 and not a truck that it sudenly has the stoping abilities of a ferrari, and they can ride directly on my bumper in 70mph+ traffic. Brake check FTW.
  9. My brother sold cutco knives for a year while he was in college, actually did decent enough to pay the rent and bills.
  10. +1 on less than awesome employer. Look for them on the web, last time I googled them ( a few secs ago) they seem to have several hits on rip off report. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Primerica
  11. I have an idea for a real stress test. Hook a 5hp engine up to a large generator head (5-10K range), and put the n20 jet on the engine side of the throttle plate. Use a load on the gen head to keep the rpms from going sky high, the spray the crap outa it.
  12. Sticky. In the tech section would be good.
  13. If it was a true numbers matching gt 500, that would be ok, but for a clone, hells no.
  14. Mech assault, HALO, HL2 and batlefield had an orgy. Kick ass.
  15. Replace regular bateries with marine deep cells, put in a few starter motors from junked engines in place of regular pussy motor, prepare for takeoff. Anyone got a powerwheel laying around they want to donate? PM me
  16. The basement is still all mine.
  17. Im looking forward to having the wifes student loans paid off by the time I retire. Hopefully.
  18. Lustalbert


    All we need is that video and I think we could posibly get a law that requires a liscence to reproduce.
  19. Not sure what is going on, my sig pics quit working about that time frame. Maybe the server finally died and he didnt bother to rebuild it?
  20. I get a call like this about once a month for the people that moved out over a year ago. Havent gotten the call this month yet though....
  21. I love the tax system. Going on my 3rd year of explaining that i didnt live in a district that had a school tax, but still getting nastygrams that they are going to take my federal income refund to cover what they belive I owe.
  22. Easy killer. Wishing jail time or other legal penalties: yes. Wishing death on someone: no.
  23. If you want something strong, and dont mind doing some fab work, look for a chrysler 8 3/4. Prety damn strong, usually very cheap.
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