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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. That is grounds for an ass beating. Any chance you can buff it out, or is it gona require some fresh spray?
  2. If you got any decent pics, andrew.lust@us.army.mil
  3. G/F reaction? No pussy for at least a week. Not quite worth it. Wifes reaction: No pussy for 2 weeks. If you are maried, you should be used to it.
  4. Can you two just get a room, fuck, and get it over with? Chris may even donate a suave bottle just to get you two to knock it off.
  5. Negative. 270 has some entertainment value and alot less white trash.
  6. Sounds like that would be healthy cometition. Race to see who is on top.
  7. Thats fucking insane. For grins, anyone ever seen the full size semis run? One that I recall had a 16v-92 detriot with modified locomotive injectors.
  8. Lustalbert


    My 600GB hard drive just got a stiffy. As soon as someone confirms the ability to crack the codec and burn to dvd, im gona decimate the bandwith to the whole neighborhood.
  9. He is gay. Bi at best, bust most likely a complete homo. If you are getting any from him, it is just a cover up on his part, and he is just using you as a template to complete his transformation into a woman.
  10. Brian, what form of crack did you display name just smoke? Share.
  11. In for september, driving whatever is running that weekend. 35 aint bad, 30/5 is good too. Ill be spending way more than that in gas, so $5 is irelivant to me.
  12. Hell, get an old cb350/450/550 honda street bike for cheap as hell on ebay. Insurance will be cheap, and it has already depriciated to the point you will probably get most of your money back when you sell it. Not the fastest things in the world, but plenty to get experiance and confidence built up. a 350 will see about 100 top end, and wont pick the front up if you get into it to much.
  13. You gota do what you gota do.
  14. I couldnt do one of those tests. Id be beating somone down before switching my awnser.
  15. To cold for concrete again I see. :thumbup:
  16. Im intrested in your 74, but you probably arent intrested in the amount the wife would let me spend.
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