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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Alot of motor, not much boat.
  2. Might be a repost, not sure. Shows a little more promise than the quasi turbine that was posted a few months back. http://www.regtech.com/93.html http://www.regtech.com/18.html
  3. You have got to be fucking kidding me........
  4. http://www.motorola.com/motoinfo/product/details/0,,63,00.html http://www.mobiledia.com/phones/motorola/mpx200.html I have 2 unlocked MPX200's that I just purchased on here, but as it turns out, they will not work with my service, so they are back up for sale. I have the phones in hand right now, and will be getting the rest of the accesories tomorrow. Looking for 90 ea, or 150 for both. If you wana haggle, im open to offers, but the wife isnt gona be happy if I lose money (no sex for a while, ect....) Thanks
  5. http://www.dod.mil/dfas I know they pay me, and do a fine job of fucking it up on a regular basis.
  6. get a second job? You will make more and not have enough time to get drunk. Or you wake up in the parking lot of your second job with a keg of beer in your back seat........
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1808273720725631796 1 hour and 8 minutes of lauging my ass off and making this face
  8. Not even close. 18 an hour to flight instruct at osu till she has enough hours for a comercial carrier to look at her.
  9. If he was just driving it and learing, that is one thing. If he is still learning to drive it and is racing people, that is a no-go.
  10. Nice of them to list all the mods in a convienent package with thier liscence plates. I wonder how long it will take for thier shit to show up in a pawn shop.
  11. +1 for student loans = teh suck. 80k so far for the wife. Aviation sucks when you gota shell out $175 an hour to fly.
  12. Brownies im a passive fan. I have family that is all about them, but for the most part, pro football is bleh. NCAA is more my speed. OSU all the way. Been an Ohio native all my life, lived on campus, loved it, wish I could go back and contine to love it.
  13. depends on the problem with the hard drive. Personaly, I use R-Studio NTFS. Leme know if you need a hookup on it.
  14. To bad that car is fugly. Looks like the bastard child of an a4 and a suby B9 tribeca.
  15. Almost, no, not quite.... Nope, completely killed. What a shame.
  16. so that is a roll race on water. Interesting.
  17. Ppublicly castrated with a rusty screwdriver, then sent to federal pound me in the ass prison. Bonus: Telivise this shit on pay per view. Help the corections system run on a few less taxpayer dollars.
  18. Lustalbert

    Sat 14th

    Quit going to drag bars.
  19. Castrate with a rusty screwdriver.
  20. Be carefull, it might start flapping and fly away. Regardless, looks like you took the time to do it right, so good job.
  21. The wind will come back eventually. Once a dorito loses its powdered coating, it is gone for good.
  22. Slow? Are you fucking kidding me? Its like watching a quadrapeligic do the 100 yard dash in the special olympics.
  23. The way she eats a snicker. Awesome.
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