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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I love these threads. I am the king of the universe.
  2. how does one justify that much bling in thier grill? Next they will be having the center of thier teeth drilled out so they can put a spinna in it.
  3. God this thread is great. First person that says I am talking to them gets a nutshot.
  4. The pull and release of the charging handle is a prety good universal word. What are you packing this time?
  5. wow. That sounds like complete shit.
  6. You guys went to the wrong place. Had my done at wright patt, gave me an IV at 8 in the morning, dont remember shit till 2 pm. Oh yeah, the percocet was free also. Thank you tax payers.
  7. Probably a little before that. in the research and development of gunpowder, there where probably a few acidents resulting in shrapnel. I would say some of that probably broke the sound barrier.
  8. Lustalbert

    Chris Green

    Its the suave supply.
  9. Lustalbert

    Leg humping

    My bad, I figured this was a roll call.
  10. Ohhhhhh, can I help judge? Ill rate the firmness and jiggle part of the scoring.
  11. Posting a mojor decision at 217 am. Where you drinking/drunk?
  12. No one? You have got to be kidding me.
  13. To many stupid people. We need to get chris drunk and tell him to go apeshit with the banhammer.
  14. Robot chicken: "Is that a steering wheel on your crotch?" "ARRGHH, Its drivin me nuts"
  15. Pick an office so we can start grilling you on sujects relavent to that position.
  16. I woke the wife up a few times while I was watching it. God that was great. Boondocks, squidbillies and 2 robot chickens = she told me to go downstairs to watch it.
  17. Just troling around looking for some decent torrents to research, and found this little gem. http://thepiratebay.org/ Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 18:21:43 -0100 (GMT) From: anakata To: KMWLAW@flash.net Subject: Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 KMWLAW@flash.net wrote: > Dennis L. Wilson, Esq. > KEATS McFARLAND & WILSON, LLP > 9720 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse Suite > Beverly Hills, CA 90212 > Tel: (310) 248-3830 > Fax: (310) 860-0363 > > > August 23, 2004 > > > VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL > AND U.S. MAIL > > ThePirateBay.org > Box 1206 > Stockholm 11479 > SWEDEN > > tracker-40-aa-5f-03-412675c8@prq.to > > Re: Unauthorized Use of DreamWorks SKG Properties > http://www.thepiratebay.org > > To Whom It May Concern: > > This letter is being written to you on behalf of our > client, DreamWorks SKG (hereinafter ^ÓDreamWorks^Ô). > DreamWorks is the exclusive owner of all copyright, > trademark and other intellectual property rights in > and to the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture. No one is > authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, or > otherwise use the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture without > the express written permission of DreamWorks. [...] > As you may be aware, Internet Service Providers can > be held liable if they do not respond to claims of > infringement pursuant to the requirements of the > Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In > accordance with the DMCA, we request your assistance > in the removal of infringements of the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô > motion picture from this web site and any other sites > for which you act as an Internet Service Provider. > We further declare under penalty of perjury that we > are authorized to act on behalf of DreamWorks and > that the information in this letter is accurate. > Please contact me immediately to discuss this matter > further. As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe. Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here. For your information, no Swedish law is being violated. Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium, will result in a) a suit being filed for harassment b) a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for sending frivolous legal threats. It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are fucking morons, and that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons. Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on http://www.thepiratebay.org. Go fuck yourself. Polite as usual, anakata
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