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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Just out oc curiosity, how strong is a 8.2?
  2. +1 on the clutch adjustment. Also, if you have been working on it, perhaps a bolt or nut could have fallen and landed on the chain and gotten wedged in the link. This would cause enough friction to kep the sheel from spinning. (yes I had this problem once) Can you tun the back wheel a little, as in the amount of slack in the chain? Should be a little give in it, but not much. If not, back brake might be locked/rusted/out of adjustment.
  3. if i had the 1500 on hand, i would in a heartbeat. Good louck finding a good home for her.
  4. maybe the movie will vome out after part 3 in the series. wouldnt want to give away anything till after they sold a few million of the next instalment.
  5. should be more friction, as you are using part of the sidewall. Since the futher up the sidewall you go the less circumfrance there is, the pavement that is moving at a constant speed will rub the rubber that is spinning slower, and create more friction. Maybe not on runflats thoug
  6. Lustalbert

    Get Blown!

    :cough: repost :cough: and on a realted note http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Toroturbo.jpg
  7. so what sort of dielsel monster did that come off of?
  8. Lustalbert


    nevermind, i mised this page. Need to hit refresh more often.
  9. Lustalbert

    Hey Phil

    Christ youre old. Still not as old as you look though.
  10. That really blows. He should be alowed to pic a few looters at random and castrate them. With a rusty screwdriver.
  11. Cornhole sets.. Sounds up your alley marc
  12. Good lord. What an incredible waste of time and rescouces I like that the interior is still completely bone stock, and so is the engine.
  13. Please say you are kidding. Welcome back jar head.
  14. Lustalbert

    fmu issues

    Oh christ, go get a room and get it over with.
  15. Lustalbert


    Anytime man :thumbup: Ya know I gota give you shit anytime a hottie calls you a hottie.
  16. Lustalbert


    Phil and hottie. 2 words that just dont naturaly associate themselves. yes I am an ass, thankx
  17. Damn. Wondered when that would happen.
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