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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. First person that says "Switch to Firefox" gets a mushroom stamp on thier forehead. Problem - When I am listening to internet radio, I only have sound through my front 2 speakers. This is somewhat iritatating to me, as some of the music I listen to has some bass in it (they do ok, but 2 15" subs can only go so far when trying to piss off the neighbors) and my rear channels and sub are sitting there idle, just waiting for some audio love. I am using the Realtek HD controller for my other prgrams, and they have no problem running through all channels, IE is the only program that can't seem to figure out that there are more than 2 fucking speakers attached to my computer. Anyone have an idea how to correct this situation? 5.1 support update for IE? Some other miricale plugin? Thanks
  2. After 3 weeks of not being online, this is what greet me. Amazing what someone will do for some meth.......
  3. Raptor FTW. The Thunderbird that came across the crowd was awesome too. Some little girl behind us started crying because it was so damn loud. You could see the pocket trying to form, he was pushing right at mach .999
  4. Using my cell as a datalink does not work well on Live. 3 more weeks of life in the barracks, then I can get on live and get crushed.
  5. My train of thought would have included such things as "might want to take off the plates with all the cameras around here...." what a retard.
  6. IIRC, POR-15 makes a tank sealer, tr the website, see if it fist you needs. http://www.por15.com/products.asp?dept=12
  7. Because someone is afraid someone else has a bigger dick. /thread
  8. Id rock it. BTW, how does Mater Chief take a dump in that thing?
  9. Lustalbert

    Halo 3

    Ordered, waiting on it to arrive...
  10. A 155 round is 100Lbs of high explosive encased in a 1/4" steel shell. Think of it as a huge assed grenade. Sadly, the steel armor plating is not very efective, I have seen where shrapnel went through both sides of the hummer.
  11. An idea has just sparked in my head.......
  12. I put bacon in my grilled cheese. I had some pussy for a midnight snack. It even came with the ketchup already in it.....
  13. Uhhh, why would you want to ride that?
  14. like a screen door in a tornado........
  15. Lustalbert


    Welcome fellow land yacht owner. Any mods?
  16. While you are copying, back up your music on an external HDD, and unplug it when not backing up. Just in case there is a nasty virus or a windoze update that crashes your shit.
  17. Roadrunner hates me, pulling 800K/sec for 3 days straight now.
  18. If no one gets this by next weekend, PM me and I will snag my welder while I am at my shop.
  19. Bombed 4BT on a go cart chasis.
  20. How fast is it burning oil? Also, is the rest of the engine free of oil, or is some of leaking out from valve cover gaskets and other places?
  21. Its that thing you look at the underage girls titays on dumbass.
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