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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Mitts off my paycheck. I wonder how many Oreos are in the hog trough that all the senators divy up into pork projects to appease the special intrest groups that fund thier campain.
  2. What the fuck..... I will stick to my Land Yacht
  3. Dont get my plumbing certification untill march. If you still need it then.. BTW, I sent you a PM a while back
  4. That would be hell on most any graphics card. Nice
  5. The President gave me christmas eve off by executive order. Thats about it.
  6. Truck is running, and the generator had plenty of gas. Bring it on.
  7. You had a birthday? I thought my stock in Budweiser and Jack Daniels turned a rather tidy profit suddenly.
  8. On christmas list.... Edit: 2 on christmas list One to use, one to hang in my office. Something about hanging a FUBAR in a military office just fucking cracks me up.
  9. Lustalbert


    Did we scare her away already?
  10. Is this anything like cricket? I may have seen it on TV once. So bloody booring though.
  11. +1 Things remembered. Is the pimp magic starting to fail you, as you are turning to jewlery now?
  12. The Andersons sell Amsoil. Thier markup is a bit ugly though.
  13. $25 gas card. Boy will they be pissed when they find out it has already been used.
  14. What is this cooking shit? Take raw steak, hit on both sides with the torch to add some color, eat with bare hands. Next thing you know, you will want napkins, a table, silverware, and all that other pussy shit.
  15. No shit. What will they fucking come up with next? The Demolition Man station was the music from all of the comercials, not TV shows. On a side note, they are playing the Looney Tunes theme right now.
  16. Yeah, I may have been drinking while posting, not bothering to fully read all of the previous posts. And his book is fucking awesome. I read it while I was flying to Califrnia, it made the flight very tolerable.
  17. So $600, plus $150 if you pick it up localy?
  18. You could sit on it and use it as an uptrade on a future engagement ring. I did that for the wifey when I got her ring, jewler had no problem putting the orignal purchace price to the new ring, as long as I went at least 20% over the original rings price. At the same time, that is a lot of money sitting there. At least with the value of precious metals rising against our somewhat weaker dollar, you have a set comodity that is holding value. BTW, the wife said she would kill me if I bought that for her, she wants a CTS. Good luck with the sale.
  19. I have a 440 laying around I could part with for some body/paint/fab work and a few rides in the 7.....
  20. http://www.speedtest.net/result/210865266.png
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