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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. So... Have you ever used the hammer drill as a sex aid on the wife?
  2. Any specs on the 200.2? Intrested. Thanks Pics also if available.
  3. My neighbors are going to hate me next year...
  4. I never forget (to stalk) an ass like that.
  5. Maybe friday, pending weather.
  6. Heat is a shroud that surrounds the exhaust and uses a fan to foce air into the cabin through the shroud. Carbon monixide poisoning is a problem, all it takes is one crack in the pipe, or some rust. Plan on replacing it if you want to be sure. If you get in an acident, plan on them needing a can opener to get you out. Safety equipment is at a minimum. Think kraut knockoff of a surplus WWII jeep.
  7. Tar. Lota tar where it is leaking. Any plave it looks like it could leak, tar it.
  8. Thanks, I called them, they have squat in inventory. 1 copper sheet, nothing else. Still open. Anyone has some industrial bus bars laying around even?
  9. In my basement. 120" screen + kegarator FTW.
  10. Looking for copper bar stock or copper plate. 1/2" thick, 3" wide, 3" min uncut length. 1/4" thick, 3" wide, 3" min uncut length Leme know what you got, ant what you want for it. Thanks
  11. It appears she must have used one of these :nws: http://healthyandactive.com/le781.html :nws: and had its kid.
  12. You need a vacum pump to drap the air out of you A/C system and boil the water out of the lines (even one drop will find its way to the expansion tip in the evaporator and freeze) Once you have a good vac in the lines, let it sit and see if it holds the vacum. If it does, put in the recomended charge (should be on a sticker under the hood or on the pump) Remember to put the oil in first, then the recomended amount of freon. You can get the kit with the charging hose and a few cans of 134a at meijer and wally world for $30ish. Get the charge hose with the pressure gauge (like $5 extra) so you dont over or under fill the system.
  13. Radio Reception : antena conection probably came loose. CD error: lens probably needs cleaned. Meijer sells cleaning dics. Or go all out, have someone open the case up and do alcohol and a q-tip on the lens. BTW, is this a factory theft lock radio, or is this an aftermarket? You will need the theft lock code if you remove it.
  14. Ill bring my pink eye with me if anyone wants to use it to get a day off work....
  15. http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?lang=-1&catalogId=10002&storeId=10001&categoryId=24505&searchItemId=478506 It favors NOS kits, and part of it seems like a bit of an ad for them, but is has lots of good info.
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