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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. We can share photos, but E-Rock is correct. We must make sure there is nothing sensitive in the photo that can me used to the enimies advantage.
  2. Warm air is less dense. removing the heater will cause the air charge to be more dense, and will require more fuel. If you want, port the EGR valve to flow a little more, so you will be running more inert gas in your intake charge. What kind of #s are you getting? I have a 455 with a 7.4 TBI unit, and it gets about 18. You could consider ditching the stock computer and going megasquirt so you can play with the a/f ratios. Also, is the stove installed on you exhaust manifold? I provides hot air (less dense) so it will hurt fuel economy if it is not installed.
  3. Thats old news. http://img8.exs.cx/img8/1784/PenguinMafia2.jpg http://www.humanradiator.com/images/blogpic_madagascar.jpg
  4. Remember to inspect it on a regular basis. Also, a tamper evident device on the rpm pill. May the cat and mouse game begin.
  5. Going through some of my pics from Iraq, found this one. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/PHOT0007.jpg I pegged my company comander. Operations ceased shortly thereafter.
  6. This weather reminds me of a cool morning in Samarra. In the shade at our motorpool. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d117/lustalbert/DSC01581.jpg
  7. Cubicle wars in the military get ugly quick. CS grenades are to easy to get ahold of.......
  8. Perhaps a mandatory speed limiter on cars till you have logged x miles and have done so safely. hp/wight restriction like austrilia has? I prefer beating kids untill they are to scared to do anything stupid.
  9. How many takes did that require....
  10. 1 trim that shit. 2 improve video quality. 3 with that kind of musccle control, she should be able to sink a 3 point shot with the kid when she is giving birth. 4 I wonder what it would be like to bang a chick while she did that.......
  11. 2000 lbs of cheap steak was generated during that video.
  12. Still looking. Prefer a/c pump on the passenger side.
  13. Still need these gone. Someone make an offer.
  14. You got a cubby? Could explin why no one noticed it......
  15. Its not a gut. It is an aero wedge to reduce drag.
  16. That just cracked my monitor.
  17. Whenever I get around to getting my lathe, I am going to try to build one. 10k is quite a bit for a paper weight.
  18. Running MS on the Buick. It does a good job, 18 on the freway out of a 455. I have not done spark yet, maiting till I go to MSII before I do that. The adition of the stepper driver for the idle air is nice to.
  19. Fucking thives. They didnt steal the trruck with it at least. BTW, keep an eye on ebay.
  20. Looking for a mostly complete serpentine belt setup off of a chevy V-8. PM, post here, whateva. Thanks
  21. Once again Uncle Sam > me. Maybe next year.....
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