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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. parts on ebay, motor in go cart, done.
  2. I want these gone this week. By Wensday preforably.
  3. And all this time I thought you where trying to be like a monk. Lo and behold you have been in a long term relationship.
  4. If I win the lottery, I would be helping to resolve several of thos cases of neglect.
  5. Lustalbert

    1981 AMC Eagle

    Swap in a solid 360 or 401 and you have a quality scooby eater. Bump
  6. Musccle car more acurately represents an era of factory horsepoer wars, and when people could work on thier own car. A civic is a gas sipping computer car. always was, and save a few good turbo set ups, always will be.
  7. Proportinal response is a waste of time. Israel is excercising alot of restraint (unfortunately0 in this conflick, much the same way we are excecising restraint in iraq and afghanistan (sp). Such is the curse of being the bigger power. if you cut loose and have at it, you are a monster. Last I checked, the purpose of war is to kill people and break ting (prefoably the enimies stuff) not be a humanitarian effort. As far as a SF unit, I have heard nothing. As him what source he got that from, I would be intrested in reading it.
  8. Lustalbert

    1981 AMC Eagle

    The inline 6... is it the some as the old slant 6? Wht engines share the same bellhousing?
  9. num num num num num num num.......
  10. Some people just should not have acess to consumer electronics.
  11. The shaft is conected by 2 flanges IIRC. Just unbot both ends, remove, continue driving. In 2WD, the shaft will still be spinning.
  12. Well now. Where is the video of her cleaning off his balls? Slacker
  13. Negative. I woulda had to knock the bitch out for that kind of shit.
  14. What kind of mileage where you getting on this car?
  15. Ma Duce > * 761 grains @ 2910 fps ~12,550 ft. lbs of energy. Even if the sword somehow survives, your wrists are shattered.
  16. Going the other way, putting OSx86 on a PC based system. Cheaper parts. I have found already that you need an sse2 processor at a minimum, and it takes a while to load. Thinking of running a rig that has xp and osx on it, 2 seperate hard drives. Anyone done something like this, and how did it run. Any bumps along the way?
  17. Lustalbert


    Anyone ever done one? Thoughts, coments? Lets not turn this into a PC vs Rotten Friut flame fest. Thanks.
  18. Of all the shit you post, at least that one has proof.....
  19. Kwality. Emphasis on the "K"
  20. While you are collecting antiques, intrested in a VIC-20? I think I even have the promo button that came with it "VIC-20 The Future Of Computing"
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