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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. I was reading about oblivion. It is capable of kicking the ass of even a Radeon x1900 dual card system. http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/07/10/can_your_rig_run_oblivion/
  2. The detail on the pinky is da shit!
  3. To bad that site is banned at work. Otherwise my productivity would take a severe nose dive.
  4. 1st on, kick ass. 2nd one, LMAO
  5. 21B is the Combat Engineer MOS. It will depend on what unit he is attached to, and if he wants to go National Guard, or active Army. Active duty, you have alot better chance of getting into the shit right away. National guard, you can join almost any unit in the 16th Engineer Brigade, then voulnteer to backfill into a deploying unit, and they sill snatch you up. Sapper school is a 2 month supper 21B school. 1 month of classroom instruction, followed by 1 month of living in the woods. I wanted to go, but no longer met the requirements to attend. Damn knee. 21B is usefull, you will probably get cross trained on some of the heavy equipment. After a while, it is easy to get into the 21E MOS as an equipment operator. Upon getting out, apply with ODOT or any larger construction company, any start making overtime like mad all summer, 3 month vacation in the winter. Some construction unions count military time as time in the union, so you dont start out as low man on the union ladder.
  6. "Get a haircut, and get a real job" Dont give up on your dreams. Might just take a few years till you can afford to persue them.
  7. File report, aquire suveliance tapes, identify asshole, provide asshole with second asshole using the keys he used to deface your car. Sucks though, people like that need beaten severly.
  8. http://www.pricewatch.com/hard_drives/5003-1.htm add an exteranal case for $30 or so. BTW, 40GB goes quick. http://www.pricewatch.com/hard_drives/992260-1.htm 750GB may be overkill. I only have 40 GB left in my 600GB raid though.....
  9. You should be tired from humping your wife senseless, not from drinking.
  10. If he wants infantry, look into B 1/19 SFG Ohio's own special forces company, and he will come out with a second language, and if he wants to go into private security, there is a good chunk of chage to be made there, or as a consultant.
  11. PCI or PCIe? http://www.pricewatch.com/video_cards/5944-1.htm http://www.pricewatch.com/video_cards/829260-1.htm
  12. Lustalbert


    I need to wash my balls. They are filthy.
  13. 92G (cook), 42A (desk jockey), 91w(medic) Ask away. I have been on active duty for 3 years now, deployed, and now work at state headquarters on the desk end of things.
  14. "Good morning students and faculty, If I could have your attention please. As you may, or may not know, Principal Cambell will not be here for the rest of the week due to a throat infection. Leaving me, assistant principal Dunbar, as the school's lone administrator for the next few days." "Though the policies set forth by Principal Cambell will remain the same, there will be some additional regulations you must also follow." "Number one - smoking outside the administration building will only be allowed during lunch periods." "Number two - the girls' showering facilities will be moved from the locker room into my inner office where I can watch the girls wash their breasts and buttocks while I play with myself." "Number three - while showering, none of the girls will be allowed to snicker or laugh at the size of my genitalia. Eye contact with me is also prohibited." "Number four - girls are encouraged to wash each other freely as I build towards orgasm." "Number five - while i am ejaculating, the boys gymnastic team must undress each other spread eagle in front of me and satify each other orally until I have completed ejaculating." "Finally, rule number six - any student caught writing grafitti or defacing school property will be automatically suspended, unless they are masturbating." "If you have any questions about these new regulations, I will be in my office spanking it with a thumb up my ass." "Good day"
  15. I need thier checking account for a little while.....
  16. "House payment on wheels"
  17. Lustalbert


    Shawns avatar FTMFW!
  18. Lustalbert


    Shit. 29th on duty, Sep ill be in Nebraska playing with demo. Any other shows?
  19. At least he didnt leave a stain on her dress.
  20. FYI, the bill that my comander in chief gave the big V didnt do anything to legality of stem cell research. It only affected weather or not the federal goverment should fund it. With your high opinion of the goverment in general, and the assholes running it, did you really want to have them controlling the funding to research this? We all know what a bang up job they have done so far on "The Big Dig"
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