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Everything posted by staywide8

  1. He didn't list a power adder in that list at all.
  2. They have clockwork mod running one the x. Custom roms are here within the week
  3. Clean the egr ports in the manifold. Usually comes on due to insufficient flow.
  4. Rodgers I believe. http://www.coc.co.knox.oh.us/pa/
  5. I know that at least your last honda wasn't stock. STS vs any other honda...should be pretty simple.
  6. I'm not one to hate, but jesus.
  7. Im at Hinderer. And Mary Downing is our rep. She's not so fair.
  8. My big turbo srt would like a chance.
  9. Have to replace the ports in the intake manifold for the egr issue. We don't replace egr's to often. On the trans issue, maybe Acura is different. Honda's warranty I know. You will NOT get a 50/50 split at that point unless you konw somebody.
  10. Lol. Bigger exhaust wheel? You mean compressor wheel. E1's make 350 pushing it. Torque is decent. Even with an external w/g, still not that good. And you haven't seen me run yet fool.
  11. Not to come off as a hater, but any stock modified turbo is not gonna cut it. Share some details.
  12. 50/50 split is unlikely. I would expect 35 max.
  13. Wow. Kevin-Check. Srt-4-Check. Nice srt. Need to go big turbo and get it over with though.
  14. I could probably get you a percentage coverage, but not full. Honda is the same way. We only replace auto's. Not cost effective to rebuild.
  15. Wow. Crazy stuff. How's it running now?
  16. If you root your x, you can. I've rooted mine and my wifes. You can also tether to computers for free.
  17. Who cares? There was a good showing of domestics at the Import Alliance, and no one had an issue there. There are some fast domestics that will be in FIS and FIP.
  18. Got mine. Badass!!! Seriously, blows my rooted/overclocked droid out of the water.
  19. staywide8

    Droid X...

    Will have mine on thursday.
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