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Black ITR Guy

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Everything posted by Black ITR Guy

  1. Do yourself the favor and send him on his way. But by all means have you way with him before you do.
  2. Ill stand by my claim that he is still a twat.
  3. its def a game to just kill like 15 min a day for sure. i wish it was more involved where you could totally customize your dude and pick your own stats stuff like that but those games arent free
  4. its all luck of the draw man. keep with it my guy sucked at first now i have like three weapons and a few powers
  5. rest until tomorrow.............. lame
  6. i was looking through my pupil and saw you were a level five already
  7. who is raymans41????? he is my pupil and already has 30 pupils
  8. not that im seeing but if anyone is feeling froggy come and fight mine
  9. no you can make another but i dont think you can delete
  10. make sure you click on my brutes url ( http://kawi-kid.mybrute.com ) before you create your brute, then that gets us closer to getting to the fight club.
  11. oh btw, make sure you password protect your brute its not cool to have it stolen. speaking from experience lol. if we can get someone up to a level ten then we can start a columbus racing clan or fight club whatever...........
  12. ^^^ agreed still laughing from the second time i watched it
  13. This is pretty fun not sure if anyone one here has posted this up, i searched and never found anything. http://kawi-kid.mybrute.com come get some pain haha!!!
  14. not tru some people are just born with weak ones. start blaming god now
  15. wont fit i would take it if it did sorry
  16. just tore my left acl dec. 1st. tore my right one almost ten years to date
  17. o come one like it hasnt happend to you atleast once............ nobody???? damn it!!
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