come to coshocton. this is hillbilly heaven for that shit. alot of us usually go to wills creek, some government land along a river with tons and tons of trails
yea town is like a freaking beach! just running around the block is as far as i get before i get nervous. half throttle and the rear tire is spinning pretty nuts.
i havent got it out yet only to just go around the block. around here its just so sandy i cant stand it. espicially in town its horrible. so if i have rode i take the old 454 out.
"The first video we had, he was completely nude. He would use the hole from the umbrella and have sex with the table," Johnson says.
someone find it on youtube lolz
for a beginner a liter is almost to big. and the new ones are almost to the point where they have just absurd amounts of un-useabe power. a six hundo would be a good place to begin.
i wouldn't say that. when we have 4 semi's and almost every other day we fuel them up and its about 200 bucks a pop. plus all the other company vehicles, makes it hard for everyone trust me.
i own a gas station so i dont pay for gas....
whats it like to pay for gas 14 and 15 gallon at a time??? cuz i have to buy it 5,000 to 10,000 gallon at a time!!!!