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Black ITR Guy

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Everything posted by Black ITR Guy

  1. welcome aboard. i love the pic if the desert!
  2. gonna have to go with satan here even go alittle further and say zx?>harley crap
  3. must be nice to be popular
  4. seriously you can buy a small color tv for that!!!!! that is nuts!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxY_NyDB32o enjoy
  5. i like how the guy congradulates him
  6. 90% of my customers off the truck are amish. and they dont laugh
  7. then his brains come out his ears. best thing i have heard was my friends dad giving my buddy shit for riding with out a helmet "who the fuck you think you are jesus?!?!?! buy a fucking helmet dumbass!"
  8. i just read it all and here are the cliff notes.......... . . . . . . . . there you go happy readings
  9. http://www.ride2die.com/ i dont know how to take this site. at first i thought it was to do the whole motorcycle awarness thing, but then i saw the "the your photo here" thing and it is kinda disrespectful i thought along with name. ***Warning*** the link has some pretty graphic pics. ~V8 Beast
  10. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=34885902
  11. thats a hell of a deal wtg
  12. Nags head last year (this is pretty much all i did for a week) http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/l_acda327a8323b22d9d360526caaea9fd.jpg little cousin........ http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/l_0b7f70891643265027b919a562344ba8.jpg bristol at the night race last year....... http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/l_17695f19c4b79723e9be2f9114b7bdf7.jpg me and the gf.... http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/l_a5a866395d1b4139621dda35360ffa88.jpg and again... http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/l_f50e15e69af8af85b9cfcb822eb1c20a.jpg
  13. rotor locks but make sure you take them off or you will have a big mess on your hands
  14. i drink a monster in the morn and make it home for lunch most days if not i dont eat till dunner
  15. +1 i cant believe how much im saving not eating out as much as i used too
  16. this guy should just quit not and save himself more embarrasment!!! http://nothingtoxic.com/media/1210300046/The_Most_Ridiculous_Scooter_Racer_You_Will_Ever_See
  17. no you can start with the 2nd one if you want but not all places offer it
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