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Black ITR Guy

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Everything posted by Black ITR Guy

  1. wow i thought that for sure was real the thing i saw had picts of her and that guy like in an interview setting with like subtitles and shit. guess you cant believe everything you see on the intraweb who would have thunk it???
  2. wow. i watched a tv interview of an army sniper and it made me laugh. i cant remember the names but here is how it went.... tv guy: what do you feel when you look down you scope and pull the trigger on an enemy? sniper: a slight recoil (insert evil grin here)
  3. i am just waiting to find the right cummins 2500 to come to me.
  4. i wouldnt kick the blonde out of my bed fo sho!
  5. no use spending extra money unless you got alot laying around and if thats the case us can send some my way. But honestly there is no reason to have to buy new ones. on my R i have only turned my cars rotors once. but then again its only got 60,000 miles on it too.
  6. they had that thing or something similar at trails once it was pretty cool
  7. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/100_0613.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/100_0614.jpg
  8. actully nobody listened to him cuz her would make a stand one day and the next take the total opposite position. "i voted for the war before i voted against it" wtf.
  9. we havent raced........ but im sure i know my place. new category BULLY= SAM!
  10. i was a special kind of nerd....... i was in FFA lol
  11. how about the guy cutting the track with no saftey glasses or anything lol
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