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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i very very rarely ever hear of someone pleased with their Sigma purchase
  2. I feel no sympathy for them and any punishment they get won't be harsh enough. I'm just saying, its so easy to prevent but just as easy to let get out of hand.
  3. Whether its fireworks, extremely dangerous driving, whatever your thing is, chances are you made some bad decisions for the sake of making bad decisions. Its part of growing up. There's just some people who are bored for too long and given a bit too much freedom and they get carried away and end up doing something super fucked up like this.
  4. It has never ceased to amaze me - shamefully, my own life included but certainly not to such a horrible degree - what horror a small group of unsupervised young men will wreak in the name of boredom.
  5. Remember that dude who was shot 51 times in NYC at his bachelor party cuz the cops claimed he was trying to run them over? Including one officer who fired 31 rounds into the vehicle? Remember what happened to those officers? Yeah, nothing. I expect the same in this instance.
  6. LE = Law Enforcement [Officers] SWAT = Special Weapons and Tactics with in = within
  8. Fact: Law enforcement in Arizona has lost its collective mind. Far from strengthening it to crack down on illegal immigration, there needs to be a serious audit
  9. 1st quarter next year. I'm chomping at the bit until then. Somewhere between 170-200bhp in a car that weighs 2200lbs :fuckyeah:
  10. We're located alllllllll the way on the east side at I70 and Brice rd, on Scarborough Blvd with the JC Penny outlet, Lindsay Honda/Acura, and Germain Toyota.
  11. Haha just looked at your occupation. We've seen a few MAG frames on Minis that have driven by. Can't wait to line up an Abarth and a Cooper S.
  12. i think we've all come to expect better trolling out of you. bad show.
  13. I'm very excited to read these reviews. I had been waiting on Brink for a while and was very disappointed to hear the shitty reviews. I was tempering my expectations for L.A. Noire, fully expecting people to come out saying they lied about how focused on the human elements it is. Very, very glad to hear it was received as intended.
  14. Hey man, I was looking for you on CR and couldn't find you. Thanks for coming in and interviewing.
  15. welp, that just replaced 4 Non Blonde's "Whats Up" as my least favorite song ever
  16. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/189/488082696_01a88f3055_o.jpg know'msayin, maf'cka
  17. I talked to my buddy who went to New England School of Photography for 4 years, worked at a camera shop for 6 years, and is now the photog for Ferrari of New England about what a good starter camera is. He said without a doubt the Nikon D3100 is the best route if you want video capability, D3000 if not.
  18. What's the car you're interested in? Autocheck > Carfax. I've seen Autocheck reports that showed an accident where the Carfax was clean, but never the other way around.
  19. For every animal PETA members don't eat, I eat 3. Also, I wonder how many voles, shrews, mice, insects, etc are shredded in harvesters every year. At least the animals I eat are killed quickly as opposed to being shredded limb from limb. Remember kids, VEGANISM IS MURDER.
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