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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. The 2000 Cobra R was marketed as having 385 bhp. Owners who dyno'd their cars found that they were seeing 385 whp, making Ford's claim a probably miscalculation. I bet not too many people complained about that :gabe:. Furthermore, that WAS marketed as a pure track car, and I bet Ford never honored any warranty claims on that car for issues had at the track. EDIT: the bottom line is that it doesnt matter how the car is marketed. It doesn't matter what the dealer or salesmen tell you the car CAN do. Yes, the Raptor is an incredibly capable offroad vehicle and has been designed with crazyness like a factory car running the Baja 1000 in mind. It doesn't matter if the purchaser of the vehicle signs a warranty that explicitly states that kind of use is NOT covered under warranty. It is not the dealer's responsibility to analyze your planned vehicle usage and tailor the warranty to that.
  2. this is the gayest post i've ever read
  3. insert your penis into the nearest electrical outlet
  4. Your point is taken, but nowhere does Ford state that "if you use this truck offroad and beat it up and there's problems, we'll even cover it under warranty!" Its the buyer's fault if they don't read and comply with warranty agreement that THEY signed when they bought the car. Go to ford.com and look around at the Boss 302 Laguna Seca package. They probably use the word "race" 20 times describing that car. But if you tell them "well it was marketed as a race ready car, and it caught on fire at the race track after 50 consecutive laps! I want a refund or warranty fix!" you're going to get laughed out the door. If you take a Ford F-150 King Ranch out to haul lumber (with a Dennis Leary voice over and block text plastered over everything) and you bend your frame trying to crawl up a mountain with 5 tons of lumber in tow, Ford is going to say "we were just showing how the truck COULD be used, not showing that you can destroy it in the process of using it this way and still be covered under warranty". Do you complain if McDonalds made you fat because their commercials show skinny people eating there? No. People need to learn the difference between marketing and legal agreements. I'm not saying that there isn't a problem with the Raptor, I'm saying these customers have idiotic expectations of the company after absuing the car in a non-warranty-covered manner.
  5. What ever happened to orange slices? I dont think I ever played a youth sport that didn't have us chowing on those at every break. No choking hazard, even the most uptight vegan peacenik parent will be appeased.
  6. If it's being driven on public roads, then its not worth that much. And I understand cruising so people can check your car out, but not when there's oncoming traffic. I used to have a '59 Chevy Apache, I know how much fun it is to get the looks (and titty flashes :fuckyeah:) driving a classic, but I also know if I could drive a 21 foot long 4-speed manual 6600 lb truck with no power steering on one side of the road, these clowns in their "unique flame job" Bel-Airs can do the same.
  7. Theres a good percentage of these clowns that just infuriate me. Just because you have an old car doesn't mean you can drive 15mph under the speed limit straddling the double yellow. :fuuuu:
  8. Okay now I'm home and not at work, I can actually look at and answer your questions instead of just spouting off my belief in things. 1: Maybe. I think God could exist because there is no certainty or absolute truth that our minds can perceive about the world. I think God could not exist because there is no explanation or certainty about God. 1(a): I don't think so. Our mind is essentially a computer, and I think the amount of computing power necessary to comprehend the existence or nonexistence of God requires far more time and understanding than our minds are capable of. 2: I don't pretend to be an expert on it, but I'm excited by the idea of string theory being the way we came about. Its so much more bombastic than creation or the singularity. 2(a): If there is a God, then of course. If indeed there is a God, I'm pretty sure we're a either an experiment or the victims of cosmic torture. More on that later. I was always raised that if you believe in God, you shall be forgiven. Human nature is to be flawed, which is why God, who is flawless, understands and forgives. If you strip away all the frills of every religion, even atheism, you come to the core belief that some or all people are flawed, but by doing something they can rectify those flaws. In Christianity, it is that we are borne to sin and Jesus died so we didn't have to suffer for our sins, and now our lives should be dedicated to good so that Jesus didn't die in vain. Judaism believes that their work for the Lord is never done, and that their purpose is to continue his labor. Buddhism even seeks enlightenment through attempting to ascend the imperfection of mortality. Regarding my idea of cosmic torture: I don't think there's a God in the sense that most people do, but if there is I think the meaning of our lives is a little something like this. We're basically a computer, but as far as we know we use a fraction of our computing power to grow our knowledge. That's fine and dandy, as we have to use a lot of power to run our insanely complex background processes, but thats OK we are really good at creating our own energy through food. However, in the vast scheme of things, we know that there is so unbelievably much that we don't know, that we strive to learn it. However, comprehending all this data requires a LOOOOOOT of other processes to be honed perfectly, and even then, because we are humans, each individual's processes are going to load at different rates. Then you cut short each individual's processes by a very (relatively) short lifespan, and what you're left with is a billion computers all trying to compute the same thing in a billion different ways, with each computer reaching a slightly different conclusion nowhere near the actual truth. In conclusion, we're completely insignificant and God is fucking with us if it exists. EDIT: And sure, there may have been a few computers that stumbled upon the truth, or a large group may have come to the same conclusion, but it doesn't mean its actually any closer to getting every computer to compute the same way, because every individual is so resistant to being reprogrammed.
  9. I'm using no theory besides my own life's experience. Consider; snowflakes are allegedly 100% unique and never replicate. However, can you tell me that out of the infinite snowflakes that have fallen on this earth, that two have never been the same? Some are going to choose to believe that no two are the same, and some are going to believe that no matter how ridiculously small the chance, that two identical snowflakes have been produced. Still others are going to argue that it has happened more than once. People could spend lifetimes trying to find proof of one point of view or the other, and no matter how much proof there is, the others will never believe them. To those who believe, their belief makes it so. To those who do not, their belief makes it so. People like me are going to ask, why does it matter? There might be, there might not be, but why not just enjoy the look of a fresh snowfall on a landscape. Thats my approach to life.
  10. I consider myself an agnostic. I came to the conclusion long ago that there are 3 possible ways for there to be a universal truth regarding these questions. First case: There is no god, gods, or extranatural beings. This is not my personal belief, but its one of the possible truths. It does nothing to explain the greater mysteries of why we are here and how we got here. Second case: There is a God, gods, or extranatural beings that may or may not interfere with us. This is also not my personal belief. I believe it is arrogant to assume that, if the truth is that there exist things that have power over us, that we are so special that it/they would care enough to interfere. However, this is a very good method to explain the mysteries of life and allows people to make sense of an otherwise confusing existence. Third case: There is no being, but the deity/deities we worship are actually ourselves. This is my personal belief. I believe that there exists a possibility of some extranatural being that has a hand in our lives, but that it only exists because we caused it to exist by acting in a way as if it existed. I believe this because it is immeasurable, like so much of the universe. It presumes a certain amount of arrogance, but also an amount of humility. My overarching belief is that, whatever the truth is, that in our physical state, we are not meant to know it. If we were, humans collectively would have figured out the truth and come to the same conclusion. Thats why I don't worry about it. If I'm meant to know it, it will happen. Maybe I need to die to know it. I don't know. I think, most importantly, that if we were blessed with the gift of life by an omnipotent being, we were not meant to squander that gift spending any time trying to figure out why or fighting with others over the hypothetical answers to questions no one has the unarguable answers to.
  11. LOL Sally is a trainwreck. I remember hearing her mom tell her not to take ecstasy to the DMB concert because security would take it away at the entrance.
  12. Yeah, if she's willing to do something like that and not make it right, she won't learn and she'll end up getting more bold another time. She might even get confident enough to drive the TA like a maniac and end up hurting someone. You're doing yourself -and her- a favor if you wash your hands of it.
  13. On one hand, its just a car. Heaps of metal can be fixed and no one was hurt, your car probably isn't worth any less due to this incident. If they're claiming fault and want to make it right, then I'd say they understand what they did was stupid and wrong. On the other hand, thats a blatant lack of respect and boundaries. Those keys were put in your kitchen drawer with the assumption that only those with permission would take them. Why would this family member assume that you're ok with them taking your car? Have you ever given them reason to believe that its ok? And are they trying to pass off responsibility? If so, hit 'em where it hurts. And for someone that stupid, the only place it'll really hurt is the wallet. edit: Jesus a 55 year old on probation? She obviously does not learn lessons. What if instead of hitting something on your property, she hit a kid down the street?
  14. It is a scam. They would not be coming after you at this point. It would have long ago been sent to a collection agency. City of College Station Utilities sure as fuck doesnt have the means or motivation to track you down wherever you live now to send you that.
  15. Thank you for the correction. Yes good teachers deserve merit based pay increases. It applies to teachers because they are essentially the only authority a kid has for 8 hours a day. My uncle was a teacher (good at first, got jaded with the system and became very very crappy later on) in the Hartford, CT high school system. It was unbelievable to me the first time I visited his classes. Several kids had an average of below 10 (out of 100) in their classes. School was the only thing keeping these kids out of the streets doing drugs and getting into a lot of shit, which many more dropped out of school to do.
  16. For as much as Kasich needs to defend his corporate tax breaks and high-income incentives, and for as many times as he says "if we raise taxes we're going to push job-seekers out of Ohio!", you'd think he would understand the point you just made. Teachers should be some of the highest paid public servants. How much would you want to be paid if your job was to essentially babysit 20-30 bratty little kids every day? What if your employer told you that due to budget cuts, you're not getting a raise this year and oh by the way now you're going to have to babysit 25-35 kids because of those cuts. I'm so glad I got my education in TAXACHUSETTS where they value citizen's health and education.
  17. I think we did the $1 thing because California has different laws. This is all speculation, but he lives in Berkeley and was worried that if we put $0 or Gift on the title that CDMV would audit him and charge tax on an estimated value. I wouldn't put it past them to do that, cash strapped as they are.
  18. gub'mint doesnt get a subscription to Black Book. they don't care what "fair market value" is, they just don't want red flags going up when a purchase price is said to be $0. When my uncle gifted me his old POS truck, we put $1 sale price on the title.
  19. searched "city of college station utilities scam" found this http://www.cstx.gov/index.aspx?recordid=4516&page=3089 edit: from 2009 but nonetheless...
  20. the ignorance and assumed expertise of everything in this thread is making me :lolguy:
  21. I just saw this today, and it literally is the most American T-shirt ever made. http://www.smilorama.com/the-most-american-t-shirt/
  22. :lolguy: @ Steve Goldsberry, the most curmudgeonly bastard in Gahanna. This is what's so fucking great about America. We may be in a recession cutting spending left and right, but when it comes to patriotism, there's no bigger swinging dick in the world. Fuck Osama bin Laden, lets spend an entire year's budget on fireworks. For Freedom.
  23. http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/imgs/m1-flamethrower_3.jpg
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