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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. if anyone still has this DDR memory, please contact me regarding the Betamax player you inevitably have right next to it. </sarcasm>
  2. Katzkin leather; its pretty durable stuff.
  3. RE: Tires. If what you're doin is already so illegal, just put racing slicks on the car.
  4. go in like you have the answers to everything, be deliberate and thoughtful in your responses. have questions ready. edit: just read nitrousbird's expanded version of my post after clicking reply.
  5. i bet this would piss them off more or maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI
  6. I love that Mississippi story; I hope Hilliard PD gets a call regarding a terrorist threat by someone "wearing or holding propaganda related to godhatesfags"
  7. my folks had DTV at their place in Vermont. I'll share their story. When the installer came to put up dishes, we asked if we'd be able to get local channels. Was told it would need a separate satellite feed and it wouldnt work because of where the trees in the state park in their backyard were. State park meaning they cannot cut them down. So we contact DTV to see if we can get access to national feeds for major networks (CBS, ABC, etc) since we can't get local. All this was more so we could get weather reports for the region, since, you know, VT gets a metric fuckton of snow annually and it can ruin your day. For 6 goddamn months, they went back and forth with the installer arguing that he should be able to get us reception for local channels, and the installer saying "youre fucking retarded, I've tried and it won't work". Switched to Dish Network and we've been able to watch the OSU bowl games every year since. Moral of the story: if DTV works flawlessly with your neighbors and there are no obvious obstructions, you're fine. If there is anything SLIGHTLY imperfect, prepare for a whole bunch of "our records show that blah blah blah nothing we can do" bullshit.
  8. its very illegal and the manager will be happy you talked to him/her before speaking to any media outlets. they'll ask what they can do to earn your business and getting the employee fired is step 1. unfortunately its unlikely the waitress will learn her lesson but at least she'll have to face some consequence. whenever I sign a bill at a bar i always write CASH in big block letters on the receipt in the tip line.
  9. CR should show up to protest the "Fag infested and pervert ran WBC" saying that they're a test to all Christians to see if we can spot imposters.
  10. if ever there were a time an elderly driver plowing through a crowd was a welcome catastrophe, this would be it.
  11. Don't even get me started on Comcast...they have a stranglehold on Boston. Worst CS in any industry I've ever had. They mistook our cable for our neighbors (who hadn't paid) and switched us off every other day for a week before we got that shit straightened out.
  12. you want to get paid, you show up to work. you wanna take a vacation that you're allowed, don't expect to get paid. the job market is on your side right now
  13. I said "reports" in the sense of "anecdotal evidence" I will do more research. I will say that Time Warner is an evil company
  14. elaborate? my friend had the option of WOW or Insight. Went with WOW to begin, and while their customer service was good he said their internet was slow at best, and consistently inconsistent. Doesn't like Insight either but for what they lack in channel selection for tv, he says their internet is much better. EDIT: He's also in a kinda weird zone that gets New Albany utilities, Westerville post/zip/schools, and Columbus police.
  15. I'd take TW based on experience and reports of WOW's internet being subpar
  16. was one of the russians named masha and works in some capacity with the blue jackets? or maybe did until recently? cuz she was fucking pretty much everyone on the team?
  17. Congrats, and further congrats on the solid publicity you guys just got: http://jalopnik.com/#!5794951/watch-the-fastest-irs-corvette-in-the-world-run-a-seven-second--mile
  18. no problem, may have a friend whos interested for stated cash price. will let you know if he's a go.
  19. interested in my pistol for trade + cash? Springfield XDM-9 4.5" (non-compact) with 3 19rd mags
  20. while accelerating, with 126* of steering input
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