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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. muffuletta sammiches > *
  2. voodoo chicken + crawfish etouffe = heaven in a bowl theres also one downtown on Gay st near Sugar Daddys and one in Gahanna where panera used to be at Mill St/Granville Rd
  3. E36 m3? What year? I can only imagine how fun my dad's '95 would be on that part of the track.
  4. Can't wait to get a FIAT 500 on the track. Road racing is very addictive. In no other form of racing do you really feel like you're able to use 100% of the car's ability. And you really get to see how poor DD brakes are suited to the track. Last time I was up there a dude in an eclipse GST was talking all about his new rotors and pads...after 3 laps his pads were smoking and had so much brake fade he almost turned it into a turbocharged lawnmower on turn 11. What's your favorite corner at Mid-Ohio? I've gotta say I love that full throttle off camber left right before the carousel.
  5. it is in need of something but i can't quite figure out what... oh, right. class.
  6. I recently switched carriers. Liberty Mutual was charging me out the ass so I got with Progressive a year ago. I was amazed at how low my rates are, so if it jumps a little bit its not going to break the bank. And I have been clean of moving offenses for 7 years. Thanks for the advice guys, I'll probably just end up paying it and moving on. I've fought a ticket in court once before and had it reduced to nonmoving, and it really didnt affect the outcome (still got a suspended license) so I think I'll be swallowing my pride. Maybe I'll go down the the station and offer Officer Strozyk a test drive in a FIAT as a peace offer
  7. i enjoyed the hell out of this movie. i love when a movie JUST sets out to be entertaining and accomplishes it with a laugh.
  8. people who cheat like that are sociopaths. they consider what normal people call cheating just to be their superiority in having a grasp on hacks.
  9. i know they do audits but its pretty infrequent i thought
  10. Oh my boss doesn't care. He's more pissed at the cop for pulling over someone with a dealer tag in a completely abandoned area only used by car salespeople in the scarborough rd area.
  11. to fight a 2 point ticket in court? I'm nearly 24 and haven't had a points violation in 7 years. My insurance doesn't require me to disclose tickets. I'd have to take a half day and I'm in sales so it could mean a loss of income (you never know). Its $126 and I fully expect to pay more to plead to a no points violation if i'm even privy to that luck. OH and I won't be getting any more tickets anytime soon. I'll leave the illegal U-turns to the customers from now on.
  12. v8beast has a beagle/retriever mix for $50 in garage sale. seems like most health related items (shots etc) are taken care of. definitely worth $50 to pay to have that already done. and my beagle/lab mix is very sweet and good with kids
  13. For those who are members, my Ret. Navy coworker just informed me of some good news for Navy Federal customers https://www.navyfederal.org/about/government.php They'll be covering/advancing your pay if the gov't shuts down. I can't believe I'm looking at a situation where a BANK is going to step in and pick up the slack where the government is letting our men and women in uniform down.
  14. my parents have a beagle/black lab/flatcoated retriever mix; very very sweet dog. i'm gonna pass this info along to my friend he's been looking for a dog for a little while. does he come with cage or anything?
  15. and they are absolutely at fault for that. What bothers me is people's selective memory, such as the belief that Obama got the spending ball rolling with programs such as TARP (hint: it was signed into law 1 month before Obama won the presidential election) everyone here thinks i'm a bleeding heart. i prefer to classify myself as a raging moderate. edit: i read a great article today praising and criticizing Paul Ryan and I believe a lot of what it said; I give Ryan a lot of credit for putting his name to a concrete proposal. I disagree with his oversimplified assessment of how to solve the economy crisis (4% unemployment in a few years? yeah, right), but at least he's put his name to something instead of just telling everyone else they're wrong. We need more politicians like him.
  16. they just bumped the ohio turnpike to 70mph. hopefully the rest of the interstates will follow suit
  17. if we drove 85 over the potholes from this winter, we'd have wheels flying off cars left and right
  18. He's president of the United States...what have you done with your life? edit: i cited my degree because you called me ignorant. i am anything but. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
  19. Sure, I guess 3.5 years studying poli sci/international relations = ignorance. And since I got enough credits to graduate early, that probably means I'm dumb as well. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, fiscally I'm as conservative as you are. But fiscal problems are not caused by the President, they are caused by irresponsible politicians more concerned with re-election and political aspirations (read: Newt Gingrich)
  20. Scion? Whose service/bodyshop were you working with? Please don't say Germain, their idea of customer service is punching you in the gut so it doesn't hurt as bad when the stomp your nuts.
  21. Hahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Typical attitude. If you want to look for the culprit for the current situation, look to the previous administration. You can talk about all the poorly managed spending now, but NOTHING compares to the $87Bn/day that was being funneled into the military effort in Iraq beginning in 2003. Poor policy from the late years of the Clinton administration didn't help either. Furthermore, the President doesn't have the power to pass a budget. Only Congress has that power.
  22. when is your closing date? if a shutdown happens, i don't think its likely to be very long... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_government_shutdown_of_1995 and it happening twice like in this instance isn't likely either
  23. you are wrong Source: no source, i don't actually know. just following orders. edit: bad news http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/government-shutdown-agencies-stay-open-close/story?id=13309873 edit2: editorial I can't believe at this point in time we've become so hostile and unable to figure this out that the people whose interests we're looking out for are in jeopardy. this is ridiculous. i hope there isn't a single incumbent that makes it past the primary votes next time their office is up.
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