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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'd say that convincing her you're a non-gay male nurse was a better lie.
  2. I'm perfectly willing to admit that by and large, Japanese manufacturers make more reliable car. However, its not as if Lincoln was an outlier of the relaibility study; here's the list. Problems per 100 vehicles Porsche 110 Lincoln 114 Buick 115 Lexus 115 Mercury (RIP) 121 Toyota 128 (although one of those was a biiiiiig problem) Honda 132 Ford 141 Benz 142 Acura 143 Hyundai 148 Cadillac 150 Infiniti 150 Subaru 155 -------------Industry Average 155 SAAB 158 Saturn (RIP) 164 BMW 165 GMC 165 Chrysler 166 Kia 167 Volvo 167 Hummer (RIP) 169 Jag 175 Chevy 176 Nissan 180 Audi 182 (Jones take note) Dodge 190 Pontiac (RIP) 192 Mazda 195 Scion 201 Mitsubishi 202 Mini 203 (no surprises here) Jeep 222 VW 225 (Again, Jones) Suzuki 253 Land Rover 255 (no surprises here either) edit: obviously the manufacturers that produce on the largest scale have the best chance to offset their problem cars by producing large numbers of cars with very few problems, but looking at brands like Porsche and Subaru you realize they make a very quality vehicle. Now hopefully some of that Porsche reliability rubs off on the Volkswagen AG cars.
  3. Renault driver's thought process: "Jeez this rental Grand Marquis sure is a pile of turds, I will take to the internet with photodocumented proof that American cars are inferior to my Franco-Japanese fusion sports car, much like canard a l'orange sashimi is better than cheeseburgers" *Posts* "Look at these idiots, trying to defend American cars when I saw with my own two eyes a Grand Marquis with a faulty trim piece, and hold in my hands the keys to a FLAWLESS 120,000 mile Renault 350Z. Now, for my enjoyable Friday night of driving my American beater car" *Returns to CR, sees incontrovertible evidence of Ford/GM's superior reliability over Renault/Nissan, and most other makes* "Errr ummmm herrpp you guys have nothing better to do on Friday night than prove me wrong? YOU MUST BE LOSERS. THEREFORE I AM THE WINNER AND AMERICAN CARS STILL SUCK" edit: Considering how absurdly wrong you were, I would assume you'd have put on a more expert backpedaling display. Bad show.
  4. And a suitably powerful car as well. I REALLY hope they drop the Ecoboost in it with a manual trans in the 2013 redesign (unless they redesign for the 2012 model year).
  5. Alright 04 Silver Renault 350Z, you want someone to come in an coherently defend American cars, here I am. Oh, and you might want to take off your socks now before you put your foot in your mouth. Since I'm sick of reading all your anecdotal evidence, I decided to find an actual, relatively credible study of a LARGE SAMPLE SIZE. http://www.jdpower.com/autos/articles/2010-Vehicle-Dependability-Study-Results/ Let me sum it up for you with some quick facts: 2007-2010 observed problems per 100 vehicles 1st Place: Porsche, 110 2nd Place: Lincoln, 114 3rd Place: Buick, 115 Of the 14 makes that were equal to or better than the industry average of 155 problems per 100 cars, 5 were American (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Cadillac, Buick not in that order). The lowest of the group was [obviously] Land Rover, with 255 problems per 100. However, of the 8 American car makes that were below industry average, only 3 were worse than Nissan; Dodge, Pontiac, and Jeep. The ones that bested Nissans INCREDIBLE RELIABILITY OF 180 PROBLEMS PER 100 VEHICLES, were Chevrolet (176), Hummer (HAHAHAHAHAHA NISSAN GOT BEAT BY HUMMER, 169), Chrysler (166), GMC (165), and Saturn (164). So, you wanted someone to come in and not just say "herrrp your 350Z sucks," so I'm here to say "Your 350Z sucks, its slow, and has been proven to be less reliable on a large scale than all but 3 American automakers". Have a nice day, and I hope to see you in our Lincoln showroom where everyday we're cranking out MKZs but can't seem to get the 10k mile 370Z off our lot.
  6. in the class of cars youve listed, ive seen that the Fit and Fiesta are the clear favorites for that price range
  7. Huntington has always done right by me. I hear Chase is a bitch unless you are an employee, and even then they have 9trillion different fees, same with Bank of America (thank jeebus they're not in Ohio or their tellers would get an earful from me weekly; still have an acct there so I can easily transfer money to/from my parents/sister's account)
  8. Ah understood. So you're more against the concept of requiring a physical identification card in any way.
  9. i've been trying to find a good, hefty (read: not slim) illuminated wireless keyboard for a while. havent found one that i like. too bad g19 isnt wireless.
  10. what stops people from driving is the knowledge that there are consequences if you get caught. And even that guy with a suspended license at least had a license at one point so [ostensibly] has some knowledge of the laws of the country/state. and do you REALLY want an unlicensed, entitled, cell-phone addicted 15 year old girl driving an escalade esv on the same roads you're driving on? because no one would be stopping that from happening because she has the right to drive
  11. ah the joys of not reading the thread. cliffs: mom's a cunt and seems to approve of the situation. my solution? take a 17 year old approach. mummify his car in plastic wrap overnight if he parks outside, with some broken eggs between the wrap and the new paintjob
  12. Midwest Bayless Italian Auto in Columbus has a pretty cool X1/9 track car. I would kill to drive it, http://www.midwest-bayless.com/storefrontprofiles/default.aspx?sfid=208227
  13. i can't decide which is more infuriating: -that this guy actually believes the right to drive is inalienable (not unalienable lol) for all americans -or that he thinks its a wise use of taxpayer dollars (aka his salary) to spend time in this shit.
  14. Because apparently that is one Georgia legislator's dreamland http://www.cbsatlanta.com/news/26675368/detail.html I cannot believe we allow idiots like this guy to run government. Oh well, democracy is a double-edged sword. "CBS Atlanta's Rebekka Schramm asked Franklin, “How are we going to keep up with who’s who and who’s on the roads and who’s not supposed to be on the roads?” “That’s a great question," Franklin said. "And I would have to answer that with a question, ‘Why do you need to know who’s who?’” “What about 12-14-year-olds who want to drive? What would stop them?" Schramm asked. “Well, what’s stopping them now anyway?” Franklin answered." A truly great politician; never giving a straight answer
  15. I can't help but laugh at how preposterously identical to the "Cheesing" South Park episode this is. EDIT: Also, I find it funny that a Floridian federal judge found Obamacare unconstitutional today, yet giving a goddamn LAWYER the power to prohibit the sale of something new is completely constitutional.
  16. i was being facetious/having seller's remorse. then I think about the xdm at home and the remorse is gone.
  17. Borrow the engraved moss, it used to be mine so its clearly the best
  19. well there's not a whole lot i can disagree with in there
  20. before I bought my XDM i was looking at the 24/7 OSS. The only complaint I read about any of the 24/7 is that some had chronic issues from the factory, while others would fire without a problem. I believe all negative reviews cited problems in fewer than 50 rounds fired, so if you've got 100 through the gun I'd guess this perfectly reliable. And its the best price I've seen on them. edit: jerrodh, maybe meet the seller at a range and plink out a few boxes til you're satisfied it won't jam?
  21. I understand what you're saying, but the so-called bottom feeders are what make America the country it is today. America was founded on the belief that even the bottom feeders are useful to society, given the right support. Thomas Edison was a dropout, a poor kid who scraped by probably doing slightly less heroic things than history would lead you to believe, but was nonetheless pivotal to the history of the world. Walt Disney was piss poor as a result of his father not being very good at anything and constantly relying on his brothers, but Disney was able to overcome that. The U.S. has gone from a nation of "haves" and "have nots" to a nation of "have enoughs" and "don't deserves", and the "have enoughs" have a pretty bad entitlement issue. I call them the "have enoughs" because they have enough to make a decent living, but they feel that the "don't deserves" are keeping them from having more. Instead of wanting to increase the welfare of others less fortunate, we have become a population whose solution to [almost] everything is to cut out the people or things which bring down the average instead of trying to collectively increase the average.
  22. Congrats, Herr Führer, you made my sig. I do agree with what you said about education. However, its much easier to improve education but impossible to do so without significant spending and TAXING THE PUBLIC. Unfortunately, the uneducated public is given the right to vote just as much as the educated public, and frankly, idiots outnumber educated people in this country. The idiots have been told their entire lives that education is worthless government expense and that if the government stayed out of their lives they'd be doing just fine. Therefore they'll never support increased taxes because they're so fucking stupid they can't see that they will benefit based on where that tax money gets spent.
  23. Do your part to make FIAT a success in the U.S. and you'll see Breras and Giulettas here before you know it
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