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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If they don't impose a "fine" or "fee" for speeding, they'll just charge you a "tax" to use the roads. The only difference between those 3 words is that people go batshit insane when they hear "tax".
  2. this is $50 OBO someone get it or its going on the curb (no, i'm not telling you my address for free)
  3. A similar TV was FS here not long ago for $100obo. Don't know if it sold, don't care. I got a new TV and need this behemoth gone. Picture is still great, no flaws (that I can see) on the outside. Its just a big, high-def tube tv. We play NHL11 on it and have no complaints about the picture. You will need to bring: $50 a strong friend. Its large and unwieldy and I live on the 3rd floor of my apt complex (fortunately, the stairs are outside so only one exterior wall to worry about bumping into). Get this thing out of my apt PRONTO. Due to size, it is PICK UP ONLY. I live at Rt 33/Grandview ave close to downtown. My days off are Thursdays and Sundays but PM me if you need to arrange another day, I have roommates. obligatory shitty cell phone pic: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/20110308202627.jpg
  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-08/silver-close-to-31-year-peak-displays-bearish-signal-technical-analysis.html summary: silver has been outperforming everything, which means its due for a drop in performance.
  5. no. Well, yes, technically there is a chance, but no. just no. also, the key to investing is buy low sell high. right now gold and silver = through the roof prices.
  6. its also worth noting that i rarely have problems with the wireless; probably not as perfect as an xbox wifi adapter connection but considering its running through a $7 bargain bin microcenter wireless card, I can't complain
  7. not sure, I'm still rocking the old XP MCE PC. It shouldn't be much different for 7 though, I'm just completely unfamiliar
  8. i heard that it was strapped to the Discovery and has become the first iPhone in space
  9. http://www.monoprice.com/products/search.asp?keyword=crossover&x=0&y=0 all you have to do is plug in, go to Network Connections on your PC, right click and go to Properties. Once in Properties, click on the Advanced tab and check the box next to "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection"
  10. is it possible to connect to a laptop/pc and utilize that wireless in your setup? thats how i rigged mine.
  11. I would bet they're banking on someone whos been looking for an auto '05 for a loooooong time and is willing to pay for a low mileage one.
  12. An auto WRX with a bunch of aftermarket bits is gonna be a tough sell to either someone who wants a hi-performance WRX or someone who wants a grocery getter with some oompf. Take away the aftermarket bits and its an easy sell to the latter. Carmax is all about the quick turnaround.
  13. Carmax will always offer shit on older, high mileage cars. For every sucker that accepts their offer they probably deal with some rough pile of crap that they have to absorb a huge loss on. On newer, low mileage vehicles I've seen most people get very fair offers given market conditions. Also, I don't believe ANYONE on this board when they say they were insulted by the offer on their trade. No offense guys, but car guys ALWAYS expect way too much for their trade, thinking "well I always did my oil changes myself with synthetic" should = $2000 more on their 10 year old car.
  14. I assume they wanted to film in a dystopian wasteland, and given the resurgence of the auto industry and timely departure of LeBron, Cleveland is the natural choice.
  15. 1802 Thomas Jefferson writes: "[A] hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world"— Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State" 1879 Supreme court rules that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment." This is not a Christian nation, this is a nation of freedom and someone who decides peoples fate in the justice system should not be allowed to impose his religious beliefs on others.
  16. The SVO badge will probably be coming back on the Explorer as well
  17. i have cash ready to buy this thing tomorrow if available. PM SENT
  18. chop it, slam it, put it on airbags and spray "chicano" on the back
  19. meh, we're all headed to the grave anyways. i'll go there chowing on some brains if it comes down to it.
  20. actually it wasn't the parent who raised the issue; a black male in the class who was on the "slave" side was uncomfortable and didn't want to participate (its worth noting the only other black kid in the class was on the "masters" side as was randomly assigned). he then told his mother as kids often do when asked "so what'd you do at school today?" I'd probably be a little upset even as a white kid if my teacher told us we were going to simulate a slave auction, just as i'd be a little upset if i was told we were going to "convert" some unbelievers like Torquemada did in the Inquisition. I think that while its important for kids to learn the history of race relations, its more important to expose them to the aspects that led to the end of segregation and intolerance instead of trying to show them how bad it was before then. that said, I could see why showing kids how awful it feels to be treated like livestock would be important.
  21. i hope someone catches and stabs him for his trouble
  22. threadbump dennydotson.com no longer shows the subaru in inventory. anyone know who bought it?
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