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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i hate small phones, all my phones have been huge cuz I hate when I can't feel it vibrate in my pocket. but you're right, its like half a pound and 7 inches long when open EDIT: by the way, I have the Type-S, not the Type-V. The type v is the one with the gigantic cowcatcher on the front, mine is this: http://www.slashphone.com/media/data/796/casio-gzone-types-3.jpg
  2. Well i'm not pale or redheaded, and I'm portuguese, but irish people > italians. less hairy, and all that. what's your uncle's bar? As long as its not the Purple Shamrock, i'll definitely go....gay bars ftl. definitely hit me up, if you take me to the bar we'll throw you a party at our house. freshman pussy is the shit.
  3. shit's called quality control. in other news, thorne is a pill-poppin junkie
  4. "guys, fuck girls tonight, i just wanna dance" go to a real bar and get shitfaced on Liquid Cocaine and Bud Light.
  5. i called you out because i was drunk and mildly sexist. my biotch of an ex girlfriend was flaunting her new boyfriend in my face, so i decided to get drunk and make a thread instead of getting angry and picking a fight with a guy 1/2 my size edit: repressed anger ftw.
  6. if you can't find anything to do around columbus you're not trying hard enough. you've got hocking hills within an hour, rock n roll hall of fame within 2 (with the way most of us drive, anyways) and that goes for another professional sports team that is currently in the ALCS. ohio is not a hard state to traverse.
  7. I'm a broke, carless, overworked college student in boston...no racing til next time I get to mid-ohio.
  8. scotchy scotch scotch. down it goes down into my belly.
  9. talk to Jeff (l36tols1), he's awesome. Consider getting a G'Zone. He hooked me up with one and the thing is basically college-proof. I've dropped it off a 2nd story window and in a toilet and beer and it still doesn't even have sticky keys. Best phone I've ever owned.
  10. It happened to me too, but wasn't as bad cuz I'm 6'3". He's 5'10" and when they used the foam machine, they used the kind of foam not approved for club use so there would be like a 9 foot wall of foam that descends upon the dance floor, and you'd see people running out of it to the sides and puking because they inhaled it. My friend almost suffocated (drowned? can that happen?) and had to be taken to the hospital.
  11. looks like no ones up to the challenge. that's one for the dicks
  12. Nuthouse sucked donkey chode. My friend is the reason it got shut down, he almost fucking died in their insane foam parties. As far as clubs, you can go check out the bastard fuckchild club that's taking over where Little Brother's used to be. Clubs in cbus suck, as do their frequenters. Get a fake id and hit up paninis or other fun bars.
  13. Thats right vaginas, you heard me. Its time you face the music and realized that dicks are just so much goddamn better. We don't menstrate, and we come with balls attached. So what'll it be, vaginas. My dick can send you from 0 to pregnant in the bust of a nut. Accept the challenge? Boy howdy, I love drinking on mondays.
  14. #1 defense against what offense. i'm not saying UConn can hang with OSU, but OSU doesn't deserve to be #1 based on their record against a buch of hacks. I'd rather lose a game to a team of my own caliber than spend all year beating up on nobodys and padding my stats.
  15. the Ducks may not have played anyone significant other than Cal and Stanford yet, but the rest of their schedule is killer. The PAC-10 never gets any fucking respect but Oregon still has to face USC, ASU, Arizona, and UCLA. Fucking tough schedule, regardless of the upsets those teams have been involved in. USF without a doubt in my mind the best team in the nation. The Big East is INCREDIBLY competitive this year, and the only reason they're going to be a #3 rank after this weekend is because they're not a prestige school like BC and OSU. Like was mentioned before, WVU is an amazing team with a bunch of guys that are going to do really well in the pros, Ray Rice from Rutgers is easily a #1 running back his rookie year in the NFL, so if USF can stop him that's mad props. As for anyone thinking the Big East is shit, UConn beat Akron 44-10, OSU beat them 20-2. That's fucking silly. No way in hell OSU deserves to be #1 this year. However, I do like that we're not in the spotlight, when teams fly under the radar it can mean good things in a bowl game.
  16. Its not a good thing, OSU might be the most overrated team in the nation other than BC. We've played one ranked opponent and I don't think we deserve nearly as much respect as say an Oregon or USF.
  17. HAHAHA what a little vagina, i love when bitches like this get all butthurt over internets drama http://www.htloz.net/forums/grill/serious-business5.jpg
  18. El Karacho1647545492


    So wait, you made a post announcing that you're a butthurt little bitch that's leaving because some big mean men made fun of you on the internet because you were a dumbfuck little ricer with a V8 and decided to race while on suspended license. So the fuck what. You're acting like a little girl, just trying to grab attention. What the fuck did you think this thread was going to do, get us all to say "no, no we didn't mean it come back, you're such an asset to the CR community because you bring the insight that only a sensitive, caring individual such as yourself provides." I'm glad you're leaving because you've shown your true colors; you're just a whiney 17 year old ricer attention whore. Get the fuck out and stay the fuck out, you menstrual discharge.
  19. i meant wrong forum in the sense that it belongs in The Corral not Swap Meet
  20. sounds like the problem was that you were racing, not that he's a shitty driver...if you had just let him go, he woulda been tapping the back end of nothing and you'd still have a whole car.
  21. The only way to solve racism will be to completely ignore racial issues. So long as people like Rev. Al Sharpton keep harping about racial this and discrimmination, and as long as we have "hate-crime" addenda to sentences for crimes there will always be racism in America. Yolanda King came to speak at my high school a while ago, and I remember one of the things she said really resonated with me: "My father's message was not that the world should be blind to color. I am black and I would never want any white person to see me as anything different. What my father wanted was for the difference in color not to matter." The minute race gets thrown in as a reason for a malevolent action, the cycle is repeated and racism grows. Every time someone tries to ban the n-word, the argument is brought to light and racism grows. Every time there's an argument for some policy to help one race more than another (or sex for that matter), the argument gets worse.
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