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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. A-Rod is gonna wreck that record in 4 years
  2. vote on what Marc Ecko should do with Bonds' 756 HR ball!!! http://www.vote756.com/marcecko/ I voted for "Brand It, then send it to Cooperstown"
  3. shadowing on the bike looks amateur...maybe just a fading sun?
  4. gotta be a chop, funny nonetheless
  5. football threads bring out cocksmoking jokes like beads bring out titties
  6. i wish i had seen this thread earlier, i woulda posted a how-to omlette picture thread. Jamaican Jerk Omlettes: 2 Jamaican Jerk spiced/grilled chicken breasts 2 Poblano Chiles 1/2 white onion 6 eggs crushed red pepper garlic salt 2 onion bagels dice all the solid stuff up and sautee in a frying pan mix all the other stuff up in a bowl once the veggies/chicken are done, pour the mix on and just cook like a regular omlette. place on toasted bagel. orgasm. oh yeah, that and a glass of Jameson, neat.
  7. wrong about what? i'm wrong 90% of the time so I can't be expected to know what exactly i'm wrong about at any given moment
  8. thats not something to be proud of. that's just being a douchefuck
  9. Not just Houston, but fucking Matt Schaub. I've been a fan of his ever since the fucking Falcons never gave him the nod after totally outperforming Vick.
  10. Of course, Steelers fans are the epitome of class, as seen in their Jay Leno-esque mascot, Steely McBeam. How original. Really though, I cannot fucking wait to see Pats/Colts. Both teams are going to be undefeated at that point, and they are BOTH THE REAL DEAL. To any Colts fans out there, all bad blood aside (which I usually give you shit for), this is an amazing season for both teams. I honestly love seeing Super Bowl defending champs do well.
  11. Lol I love how every article except one I've read about the Pats cheating has COMPLETELY neglected to mention that Belichick, Goodell, and basically everyone has acknowledged that the info was not used to gain an advantage during that game. Besides, if you were really going to cheat and steal signs and use it to your advantage, you'd steal offensive signals. The defense knowing run/pass would be infinitely more important that knowing blitz, nickel, or whatever. Eagles calling the Super Bowl into question is the funniest thing I've heard all year. EDIT: In one of the Pats Super Bowl seasons, they lost to Miami 21-0. Zach Thomas later admitted that he knew all of the Pats audibles so he knew every play they were calling. Think he picked that info up in a chance meeting with Tom Brady? Nah, this shit happens all the time.
  12. Yes, 2-0 is certainly impressive................... still, fuck the bengals...they were my survivor pick this week. Goodbye, chance at $350
  13. drink, piitb, and bust out in the mornin
  14. college ftw. i currently live with 2 of my best friends and our favorite lovely skank. she's got a new guy every night and treats them like shit, its so funny how attached they get. anyways,the point is befriend your enemy....then fuck your enemy rotten. then sit back and laugh as she gets the clap from some bro
  15. For those of you not paying attention to football, Kevin Everett, a Bills player, was temporarily paralyzed after a hit he laid on someone, breaking his neck. He didn't move as he was taken off the field. After undergoing emergency surgery, doctors said he'd never walk again. Then today, this: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3014742 Fucking miraculous.
  16. why is it that every year the browns fans start shit in the preseason then as soon as they get blown the fuck out of the water the disappear behind the "rebuilding year" bunker. in other news, i'd like to alert you to the fact that randy moss caught 9 passes for 183 yards and a TD without having a single character issue, so all you assholes who shat on him can suck a dick.
  17. this could qualify as selling invites nah, jk i'm not gonna report you. wouldn't even have the motivation to figure out if you've got the same name on Oink as you do on CR.
  18. we really need to sticky one of these threads in the senior members area. now comes the wave of leghumping and "can i have oink invites plz???"
  19. we did a Century (100 min) last year and it went well, no one died, so we figured we'd go for the 2 hour this year
  20. i'm doing 2 back-to-back power hours, anyone here is welcome to join if you're in boston and think you can take the heat.
  21. Jeff, your niners are looking to have a fucking SICK year. I'm calling them my sleeper team. Frank Gore is the real deal, and with an improved defense they're gonna be unstoppable. the NFC should seriously fear the Niners.
  22. i love college football, but at the end of the NFL season you know who's on top. at the end of bowl season, no one shuts up about "well if we had gotten blah blah bowl we should have we would've been champs etc etc". until the fucked up BCS system is fixed, college FB will never be close to NFL in terms of awesomeness. oh yeah, and if you want to talk overpaid, look at fucking baseball. football salaries are relatively low, and endorsement contracts go a long way.
  23. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!?!?!? I hate the offseason, this season is gonna be amazing. Thoughts?
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