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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Wow, too many C's. Either way, I've been wondering for a while how far back the list of CR's cars dates in history. So name your car, your year, and if it runs or not. I'll start: 1959 Chevrolet Apache 3200; 1/2 ton, Fleetside, Longbed. It's in okay shape (rough for a normal car, pretty damn good for one of its age) and is my daily driver. Your turn.
  2. sorry, guys, my bad. I riced out the Apache to look like a skyline.
  3. So I'm already planning on going to UT to get trashed with a few friends, but I'm here for 3 days and its a Monday. So what's there to do? EDIT: I'm in Knoxville, for anyone who isn't very smart
  4. i guess some good news among all this, as someone said we now found out that the cervical cancer is treatable and there shouldn't be any complications since its so early on.
  5. i bought six kilos of blow the other night
  6. depends what kind you wanna do. speedball is a little more fast paced, but woodsball is my favorite. it a little more stealthy and IMO a lot more fun. definitely dont need as much athletic ability which is good for fatasses like me
  7. yeah it's all happened in the last month or so, too. I've only got one grandmother (89) and one great-aunt (92) who I think will never die. My great aunt has been adamant about her readiness for death for the last 10 or so years, yet she keeps on truckin'. She's also got one of the most amazing memories I've ever seen at someone of her age. She remembers my sister's horse's name and all our pets names, even though she's never been to ohio or met any of the animals.
  8. Yeah, so I've got a buncha shit for sale. Some have pics, some don't. Bassists: I've got 2 things. A shitty squier 10 or 15 watt amp, it's taking up space, give me $5 for it and its yours. Basically its good for practice if you don't want to fire up a bigass rig, but beware, it sounds like total shit despite being in perfect working condition. Just come get it. I've also got a bigass rig. 2x15" Crate cab paired with a Crate BX-220H amp. I will not separate. I've been trying to sell these for a while and had offers all over the place at different times. I've had offers up to $400 when I bought it used for $500 4 years ago. It still works perfectly and has been in my friend's recording studio for 2 years (read: impeccable care). It's got one minor blemish from a show where it got a scrape on the backside of the cab while taking it out of a trunk. Small tear in the outside material, doesn't affect anything and shouldn't be one of those things that gets worse unless you beat on it. I'm asking $300 OBO. I can deliver this, but only on Thursday afternoon or evening...probably evening. Maybe Wednesday night, if I feel adventurous. Paintball: JT 5.0 Excellerator + extra shit. I've got pics of this which can be seen at the bottom of the thread. I've got a gun, stock barrel, 12 and 20 oz C02 tanks (may need service, haven't been used in a couple years), 4+1 harness, VL Quantum electronic feeder (8bps), and a mask that for some reason never fogged on me and has a large lens, very good for visibility. The gun itself is exceptional. Semi-auto e-trigger, 3000ish round put through it (has a shot counter built in but its out of battery). The gun itself leaks right now, but nothing a quick o-ring job shouldn't fix. Caveat empetor on that one though, since I don't really know whats wrong with it. Packages with the gun, mask, shit hopper, and 9oz tank used have gone for $75 so I'm looking to get $100 out of it, but shoot me some offers. I'm very motivated to get rid of this shit. Oh yeah and it also comes with that bigass case (including key!) in that picture. I got this shit from Satan (Ben) and it worked very well the times I did use it, but now its just wasted space. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/IMG_0003.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/IMG_0004.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/IMG_0005.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/IMG_0006.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/IMG_0007.jpg
  9. at least for me and my family. While death is something that certainly surrounds us all the time (more than a few CR members being in the service of our gov't), for some reason this summer has been pretty rough on my family. one of my best friends hung himself, my best friend's mom just called me to tell me he's in the hospital because he tried to kill himself, my mom's best friend just succumbed to breast cancer this morning, the CR community just lost Chris (Mekkafire) to God knows what, and my aunt just found out she's got cervical cancer. So whoever you are, call your parents, siblings, significant others, kids, anyone you really hold dear and tell them you love them.
  10. This is an excellent post. It doesn't sidestep the issue that yes, the entire middle east sees us as supporters of the Jews in Israel. In fact, I would guess that 90% of nonJewish Americans don't give a rat's ass about what Israel decides to do because what do they give us? The Uzi? bah, humbug. But still, our governments have very strong ties and as the good doctor said, we need a stable, loyal ally in the Middle East and unfortunately we picked the only unpopular kid in the playground.
  11. You all know how Bill Brasky was aboard the Enola Gay's crew, right? Well I heard that Truman never authorized nuclear attacks, but instead authorized a one-man paratrooper operation involving Brasky. Well I tell you what, that sonuvabitch singlehandedly invented his own atomic bombs and set them off in Hiroshima and Nagasaki once he'd landed. And as eternal punishment for Americans everywhere, he stayed in Japan and fathered all the children who would go on to invent the 240ZX and every bodykit company in Japan.
  13. Did I ever tell you about the time Bill Brasky took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can't find one. Finally Brasky takes me to a vacant lot and says, 'Here we are.' We sat there for a year and a half — until sure enough, someone constructs a bar around us. Well, the day they opened we ordered a shot, drank it, and then burned the place to the ground. Brasky yelled over the roar of the flames, 'Always leave things the way you found 'em!'
  14. figured someone would've bookmarked that shit for the spank bank
  15. LOL every cop is crooked! they all street race cuz they is the lawwwwww
  16. really, all this thread turned out to be was a "hay look guys i have gf look at how hawt she is!"
  17. You clearly have a misguided idea of what diplomacy is. Diplomacy is a means by which a certain ends is achieved. Our specific endgame in this endeavor is to secure the safety of America from terrorist organizations. There's ways we can do this; soft power is a perceived influence. It is how people view America. In the Middle East, our values and culture is hated with a passion, thus eliminating our soft power. Coercive diplomacy cannot work because we will not negotiate with terrorists. Even if we did negotiate with terrorists, there's nothing we can do to convince them to stop attacking us. We offer them no incentives, so therefore we must offer disincentives. Subversive/covert action can work, but we have already placed our puppet government in Iraq who we're already trying to subvert. So that's obviously not going to work against the terrorists with no centralized governing body. Economic sanctions are a blunt tool. You cannot target economic sanctions. When we placed economic sanctions on Saddam Hussein he simply shifted the burden onto his opponents, the Sunnis and the Kurds. He took what little resources he had and helped those who supported him and made the U.S. sanctions hurt the very people they were supposed to protect. Economic sanctions work only in special scenarios and are completely meaningless without a perception that the country doing the sanctioning has the will to use more forceful means. The last and certainly not least part is the use of military force. It can either be used to support other actions (diplomatic relations, subversive action) or it can be used by itself. In this case, the terrorists do not even fear annihilation. Their purpose is to kill and be killed. They have no regard for civilian life, nor do they fight as we fight. If this were the American Revolution, we're the Redcoats and they're the Rebels. At this point, there's no possibility for any other action that military, it just sucks that we're stuck here by terrible leadership.
  18. simple response^^^: we don't negotiate with terrorists. country policy, sorry homes
  19. he's a cop, genius. you know, those guys that uphold the law.
  20. if you can't beat em, join em. just start taking pics and making funny kittah jpegs. or get firecrackers....lots of firecrackers.
  21. she's a 4 in my book man (that is of course, on the -5 to 5 scale). tell her that Dig is way overplayed though
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