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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. When I was working the show I was next to the EVO for quite a while and it's kinda sad looking at it, a shell of what once was.
  2. Probably in lost business in the aftermath of the attack
  3. Math doesn't have a price, but people do. It's not above the intel services to bribe their way into the good graces of an engineer who DOES have the tools and/or knowhow. that's how the intel services of China, Russia, etc do it.
  4. i believe so, it was very dark and those headlights are pretty good
  5. Saw a test mule out driving around on my way to hockey in Dublin a few weeks ago. As exotic a car as it is, I saw it at night and driving around with just the headlights and taillights you'd think it was a flattened Civic or ILX.
  6. Y'all did see this already, right? http://jalopnik.com/the-400-hp-buick-avista-coupe-was-just-a-big-tease-1765270257
  7. She was probably a man and OP is probably now dead
  8. You think a director at an agency that started COINTELPRO would mislead the public like that? pish posh
  9. I think it's amazing that given the budget of DOD/DOJ, the NSA/FBI/CIA/DHS can't manage to get into this phone themselves. It should be a testament to the ineptitude of those departments that they're trying to force a private company to compromise their integrity and the trust of their customers because they fucked up hard enough despite a budget that eclipses many nations (DOD: $500+bn, DOJ $27bn).
  10. I actually got in touch with Ronnie, his prices were a hair lower than Kaleb but I don't think he was able to travel, and since this is my daily that definitely played into the decision. Ronnie was highly recommended through several friends though.
  11. UPDATE: I had Kaleb Birch at Dent Wizard handle it. My service manager at our Lincoln store, someone I definitely trust, said they'd trailled Kaleb a few weeks ago and he'd done a good job so they had him do about 50 wheels in the last couple weeks and he's blown them out of the water in terms of his work and efficiency, so I gave him a try since his work would be covered under the wheel/tire coverage I got when I purchased my car. Long story short, Kaleb did a great job. It's not visually perfect, but despite the tiny dent still visible the car tracks perfectly, no vibration, and most importantly he did NOT damage the finish on the wheel. I would HIGHLY recommend Kaleb, and also recommended that he get on this board. If anyone needs any work done, you can reach him at 614-323-1426, or at kaleb.birch@dentwizard.com. EDIT: Forgot to mention that, like Brad @ Alloy Wheel Repair, Kaleb works out of his truck and will come to you. Thanks for all the assistance. Pics in a moment to show the work done. EDIT: The damaged area was located around the 5oclock position http://i.imgur.com/WLicTAvl.jpg closeup. if you want to see a MEGA closeup of the pic below, remove the "l" before the ".jpg" and you can see the original size http://i.imgur.com/gYK7Wocl.jpg
  12. That's actually the 3rd time I've been referred to Brad, not here but via other friends. I will definitely contact him. Thanks.
  13. That's too bad, he was a really nice guy and did a fantastic job for me. Can you confirm whether or not IPS was using Prismatic powders for their powdercoating? Thanks in advance.
  14. I believe that's what it was, I do know for certain that "Spanish Gold" is the name of the color I just don't know what brand for certain. I can't find an old version of their now-defunct website to find out what materials they use either. EDIT: Do you mind PMing me your contact info in case the bend can't be fixed?
  15. To be fair, I imagine wheel repair is one of the toughest things to do. I don't have personal experience though. The more I look at this fucking wheel, the less round it looks rather than just a bad bend. Pics incoming in a moment. Frankly I'm amazed it didn't blow out the tire or give it a tumor. EDIT: HOLY RESIZE BATMAN http://i.imgur.com/xM8PyxPl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7MGW5zQl.jpg
  16. Hopefully someone here can help me. Last year around this time I had my factory wheels powdercoated at IPS. Today one of my wheels got royally fucked on a pothole, it's bent to the point that I don't believe it can be fixed. I'm going to see if Wheel Medic can do anything for it but, barring that, I'm likely going to simply replace the wheel with another factory one. I'd like to have the same guy do the work and at the very least find out exactly the paint that was used so I can hopefully match colors. Can anyone help? thanks in advance.
  17. I have a knockoff Ernie Ball Music Man 5 bass (cheapo Chinese knockoff OLP I think is the name) that I disassembled with good intentions, but then we moved, it got put in a box, and has been forgotten til now. It's a natural wood finish, nothing fancy electronics-wise, but I've always wanted to make an art piece out of it. I discovered that a friend from college does really cool woodburnings in his spare time, so I am going to strip the clearcoat off and send it to him. I haven't played actively in a decade so I will probably just leave the crummy old electronics in and leave it as an art piece rather than worry about the electronics.
  18. At this point IMO the most likely people to run the Executive branch next year will be Ted Cruz and Kasich as VP. Trump doesn't have enough support within the party and his momentum has an expiration date IMO. Cruz will ignite the evangelical base late in the race and has the conservative chops to earn the support of the GOP, even though he's definitely not their preferred candidate (Rubio is but he got sucked into Trump's vortex of fuckery by responding to it too much). What Cruz doesn't have is the fiscal background that Kasich has, and if he's learned from the mistakes of his predecessors, he won't land a bombastic running mate, he'll land one that gives him credibility and will be happy to stay in the shadows only to pop his head out to take a shit all over Hilldawg's fiscal ideas when called upon. The biggest danger that Trump poses is that IF he wins the GOP nom by some miracle, he's made it clear he has no qualms about dragging opponents through the mud. He'll shit all over Hillary in personal attacks and give no fucks about her response. he could win the election purely by slinging enough mud to make Hillary slightly more unelectable than he is. FWIW I'm a raging moderate and this is the first election I've seriously considered voting outside of either party because all candidates aside from Kasich are just so utterly retarded and incapable of leading a nation.
  19. Annoyingly, they significantly cut the number of locations for 2016. Last year they opened the season with a weekend at Laguna Seca and I think did one at COTA, this year they only are doing it at Daytona, MSR Houston, and Auto Club in Fontana.
  20. Me, my fiancée and a couple of her friends were out last night and her friend comes back from the ladies room clearly grossed out; apparently all the toilets were COVERED in self tanner. That's how you know the Arnold is in town :lolguy:
  21. A friend of mine said he drove by the Arnold yesterday and his Grindr account blew up :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy: bodybuilding gaybros galore apparently.
  22. Credit reports are just an indication of risk. That's why there are so many factors involved, and why multiple car loans look exponentially more risky than a single one. Look at it this way; let's say you've got 2 cars which you pay on perfectly, and you apply for a 3rd loan. If you get that loan, but then some cataclysm hits, how likely are you to keep paying on that loan if presented with the choice between paying your mortgage and paying your 3rd car loan? You're going to let that 3rd car loan go into default, because if you have limited resources and the choice is between paying to keep a roof over your head or pay for your weekend toy, you're going to keep a roof over your head. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a risk assessment point of view to offer you a super low rate for an unnecessary loan. However, as with any risk assessment, it's not that straightforward and there are other mitigating factors. If you've been on your job for 18 years, making MORE than enough money to cover 3 car loans, and your home is paid off, the risk is significantly lower. There's even the consideration of past relationships; even if a loan doesn't make a ton of sense for the lender, if you've used them before for a couple loans and always paid on time, they'll have personal experience with you and know that you're a good repeat customer, so they may work harder for your business. In my personal (though limited) experience, Wells Fargo and PNC are the easiest lenders to work with and often have rates that even compete with the military lenders like USAA/Navy Federal, who are historically bonkers with their rates. I've seen Navy Federal approve a guy with a sub-500 credit score for a 2.9% rate for 60 months with $0 down. You know why? Because they have the name of his CO, and they can get in touch with him and make ABSOLUTELY SURE his payments are made if he's ever late on a payment. There's basically zero risk for them unless the guy gets court-martialed.
  23. It takes a lot of work to get your FICOs that high for your base FICO score, assuming they're all around 833. Even with FICO Auto or Beacon 5.0 I've seen spreads as much as 120 points, but I've never seen a score higher than 857 (again, auto-specific). When I say my scores were 709 that's FICO Auto/Beacon and I believe the spread was +/- 15 points. I have not "exercised" my credit in such a ways as to maximize it, I just have some outstanding loans, higher-than-ideal DTI, but literally perfect payment history and good credit utilization. Even if I spent the next 5 years trying, it'd be very difficult to get my scores that high unless I made all the exact right moves...and no one really knows what those exact moves are. I do know one thing that's not helping is a lack of a mortgage loan on my history.
  24. Credit Karma is well known for being very high on your credit "scores". Those scores, by the way, are created by the reporting bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax) and are essentially meaningless, as there is no common formula. Credit Karma is popular because they are optimistic and, case in point (post above) people like bragging about their credit scores even though they don't actually mean anything. I've seen people with 750 credit scores who can't get financed for a car because their file is super thin; sure, they've never missed a payment on their CC, their debt to income ratio is super low, but their high credit limit is only $2000 on that CC, and no lender has any idea what they'll do on an installment loan for a $25k car based on their limited history. On the other hand, I've seen people with a 650 Beacon (custom score system for the auto industry) get the best rates possible because, although they have a lot of medical debt and they had a bankruptcy 4 years ago, they have never once missed a car payment on the 8 car loans they've had in their life. My "scores" are around 709 right now despite higher-than-I'd-like debt to income ratio (2 car loans in my name, me and fiancée). If I went to apply for another auto loan right now, it'd almost certainly be declined even though I have good credit scores because there's very little justification for a person to have 3 open auto loans in their name, especially at my income. TL;DR don't get hung up on the scores, do the Annual Credit Report and do some reading so you know what you're looking at. The "scores" are not an appropriate substitute for knowing what your actual annual credit report is telling you.
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