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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. did all the idiots and benchracers leave? nope, i'm still here... discuss edit...this thread needs content: http://img136.exs.cx/img136/9725/carmella69lk.jpg
  2. and a decent quarterback throwing to him...thats a big component still, i doubt ginn's ability as a pure reciever. I think he'll make an excellent replacement for Wes Welker right now as a kick returner and secondary/terciary reciever, but he's also really small. he won't be able to block on run plays, which you always see good recievers doing (case in point, hines ward), he's going to be up against safetys that A) can keep up with him and B) can hit him fucking HARD, and his favorite play (fake post, then take off for the end zone) is not going to work in the NFL.
  3. no way. he'll be over a grand, easy. he may be on the downside of his career, but the browns have a lot of faith in him and with a fast, versatile guy like Thomas blocking for him he'll be averaging 4 yards a carry easily. not only that, but having a rookie qb will give the browns all the more reason to run a lot of run plays with lewis, even if the qb is quinn
  4. why the hell would the browns take adrian peterson??? they just picked up Jamal Lewis. the browns did a great job of filling gaps in their roster and getting guys that'll be an asset to both the run game and passing game. they're not gonna be a 10 win team...hell i'd be surprised if they're a 6 win team...but they're putting th pieces in place for a great future
  5. 10-3 playing against relative nobodys and losing the big games. he's a franchise quarterback either way, though, and going from weis to crennell (sp?) is going to be a seamless transition
  6. you kidding me? cleveland gets an A+ in this draft...Joe Thomas to clear a path for Jamal Lewis and to protect Brady Quinn...they won't suck next year
  7. nah, he'll definitely go in the first round...pick 29, gents
  8. FUCK YOU BRADY QUINN!!!! VIVA TED GINN JR! i love draft day
  9. patron platinum is pretty good, but its so overpriced, and patron silver is almost as good for like 33% the price. Although I do agree, in the land of tequilas where everyone just drinks it to get sloshed, its nice to sip on a glass of Patron with dinner or something....shots are good too though
  10. fuck man...there are 2 things you don't do to a guy; kick him in the balls (unless he's raping you) and smash his car
  11. you mean there was no spinning hologram of a basketball hoop that projected out of the trunk with a camera so it could holographically project your astonished face onto the backboard?
  12. Beer: Boddington's Draught Pub Ale http://www.universalbrandltd.com/catalog/images/boding.jpg Liquor: Any single malt Scotch, neat Also, I love Southern Comfort...I could drink that shit for weeks. Mixed Drink: White Russian Other: I drink at least a gallon of tap water a day, I fucking love water.
  13. Then came a hole in one of the pistons, and you sold it to a couple young guys that took the thing apart to find that out. Lol, its still sitting in SuBarua's driveway with both motors (we bought a Turbo III and a new turbo) in the passenger seat.
  14. make it so when he walks in his door, he decapitates himself...that'd be hilarious. something my friends did to me was put post-it notes on literally everything I had in my room...clothes, paperclips, condoms, DVDs, all my money, etc. probably took a while to do, but I was still finding stuff weeks later
  15. Step 1) remotely triggered land mines Step 2) catnip Step 3) profit
  16. see, this n00b gets it. even when i point out the flaws in his argument he comes back with a humble, rational response instead of saying 'FUCK YOU ASSHOLE YOU DRIVE A SLOW TRUCK AND DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT RACING NYAH NYAH' you're a good poster, n00b, keep it up and you'll make friends here
  17. And you were doing so well...the first thing you learn here is that the wise racing samurai does not quote Road and Track for definitive information on his car, nor does he assume his own car's power numbers based on graphs of even an identical car's graphs from the audi forums. I will demonstrate why doing so, especially in your case, is incredibly foolish. You don't know the conditions of the other dyno graph...what if they did it at 45 degrees 200 feet below sea level? Also, you should realize that people here have a wealth of knowledge, and just because you've never had a problem with Quattro (nor has your dad in any of his, I assume) that does not make it an infallible system. Also, bringing up the R&T article is bullshit, but since you're obviously an expert you'd know that they tested an S-Line A4 (beefier suspension, bigger wheels, better rubber) against the Legacy GT specB. To this, I quote the R&T article that you brought up: "It's the S-Line suspension that helps the A4 tackle just about anything thrown its way," enthused Wolfkill. "When pushed hard it still feels like an fwd-based system," he continued. "But at the same time, you can feel the rear tires working for you in a corner." So now not only do you claim a SUBJECTIVE analysis to be the authority on AWD cars, but it also defies everything you've said.
  18. man, its that time of year again... great lookin work!
  19. I turn up about 500 sites which is surprising for a name like "Caxide", but most of them are my cousin (Jeff Caxide) because he's in a legit band (ISIS). The ones for me are mostly from an old shitty band I was in, but there was one from 2001 that was from a northeast middle school science thing, in which apparently a group of my friends and I did research on plants....i don't remember it, but apparently it was notable.
  20. Found a bunch of Top Gear eps, figured I'd share http://www.tv-links.co.uk/show.do/1/926
  21. 19 =/= 16 besides, i'm just being a jackass...its the kitchen
  22. willing to part stuff out? i have a friend in Boston that is interested
  23. stop being a fag nutswinger teenage n00b and keep out of the kitchen i agree with JP here...revving the piss out of anything is just stupid, and because you can hit 5 digits with your RPMs doesn't make you the exception. you want to hit 180 on the freeway at 10grand, go ahead and do it, just keep your fucking revs down when you're < 5 mph.
  24. does he want to sell said 442 or trade it for a 59 pickup? jk, but i really do love the 442
  25. I forgot to add the disclaimer that I may or may not have experienced any number of those nights from various points of view... http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/allnighte.gif
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