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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. the one thing i really hate when n00bs do is when they were invited by a friend, they post in a random thread and just say "hey kyle/jim/craig/todd/morbo remember when we were at that one girls house and she did that one thing and it was hilarious?" which leaves the rest of the established CR community scratching their heads. so i guess my message to n00bs would be is if you have an aside to tell your friend that you know outside of CR, make it a PM or just call the motherfucker up...don't waste posts here. I.E. Good post: bad post:
  2. that was too much for a n00b to be posting STFU NOOB LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL lame seriously, though, I've got nothing against n00bs as long as they respect the rules and don't start too much shit
  3. This weekend is Marathon Monday in Boston; that basically means that every person at BU and BC wakes up at 10am on monday (day off) and drinks until 10pm and watches the Boston Marathon. Tis a wonderful holiday that rivals Christmas in overall participation (there's a billion jews at BU)
  4. against my better judgement, i'm gonna post in this thread and potentially raise a hellstorm because for the most part, Sam is right....i have nothing better to do that dude in the red shirt in the background is the biggest fucking guido i've seen since the Gotti bros.
  5. wtf what kind of weapon of mass destruction was he going to use??? does that freak anyone else out that a C-bus resident had ANY kid of access to a WMD (as they allege) as for Rob (sol740) having facial hair doesn't make you a terrorist, espacially a Fu Manchu.... http://mishilo.image.pbase.com/v3/06/578206/2/46338171.DSC_0254.jpg
  6. lol i'm pming for a friend whos not on CR (as if that doesnt make me sound even more shady)
  7. hefty jesus wins this thread, i'd copy/paste or quote everything he's said except i'm lazy
  8. more talent??? that was some of the most simplistic shit i've ever heard
  9. yeah thats Dillinger Escape Plan...watch how he just cruises over the crowd for like 8 steps before falling
  10. Its hard to classify Tool at all. My cousin's band Isis that opened for them in 2006 was always dubbed "underground nu-metal" which was kinda bogus since they were just trying to bring a new twist to really dark music. i think tool has their metal moments, but yea i'd agree with you for the most part in saying that they're more hard rock
  11. dude........kidding the slash and burn theory is one of the most asinine ideas ever
  12. the hippies are right to some degree, but being retarded and having a "love in" isn't gonna work any more. yeah, global warming exists but it always has and frankly i don't give a shit what future generations have to say about it...lets spend money figuring out how to find another planet to inhabit. /slash and burn theory
  13. oh yeah and they're not really metal and they broke up recently, but Death From Above 1979 is fucking tits. either way, most metal sucks.
  14. you guys listen to the shittiest fucking metal. HIM???? fuck that shit Meshuggah, Mogwai, ISIS (my cousin's band that opened for Tool), Tool, Mastodon. You want some shit to thrash to listen to Dillinger Escape Plan or the Blood Brothers, or Mclusky. As for the US losing metal, I agree to a certain point. I think Mastodon is fucking sweet. Outside of the U.S. Mogwai is fucking crazy Scottish metal that my cousin toured with on their european tour. \m/etal!
  15. this thread has way too many posts and way too few nudes of exes....get on it
  16. sextuple post johnny bravo style. oh yeah, and LS1 > LT1 > pubes > Ford
  17. man i kinda went through this a while ago...my girl dumped me for some other dude at the beginning of summer, and it tore my head apart and i just hooked up with some random broads to get over it. as soon as we got back to school we were fucking again and she's been cheating on her boyfriend for 5 months now....ultimate revenge also, no nudes, but i'll work on it....she just told her boyfriend she wanted an "open relationship" (so she wouldn't feel so bad about cheating on him) so maybe she'll be more willing edit: don't forget there's always more fish in the sea, and they'll probably have bigger titties and their pussy won't be pounded out
  18. who cares, if she's ugly black out her face, just post some tittays
  19. i believe you need the npdsplay.dll plugin...check your codecs to see that you have it there,and if you dont put it there.
  20. you owe me 2 minutes of my life back
  21. try driving in boston where the streets have no direction and deadend/turn into one way without warning
  22. canada is just england's bridge to the U.S. when they decide to invade.
  23. still, Salon.com is not a valid source for anything...I'd give more credibility if G.W. Bush started citing Jesus's communiques.
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