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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Step 4: Plug in http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To027.jpg Step 5: Rock out to Death From Above 1979 http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To028.jpg Step 6: Profit thanks for stopping by to see my completely shitty job.
  2. Step 2: Plug speakers into coupler, coupler into RCA iPod splitter, and "secure" with tape http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To022.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To023.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To025.jpg Step 3: Snake RCA iPod splitter under seat, between bench/back in center area http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To024.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To026.jpg
  3. Step 1: Tape speakers down to something really unsecured, so as to make the whole thing really dangerous and more insecure Right: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To018.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To019.jpg Left: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To020.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To021.jpg
  4. And it only cost me $3. Here's how it went. Start with 1 truck, circa 1959 http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To009.jpg one RCA coupler http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To011.jpg one RCA iPod splitter http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To012.jpg two shitty boombox speakers, RCA jacks http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To013.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To014.jpg one iPod 80GB http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To015.jpg and one roll electrical tape (maybe going to duct tape when this all fails) http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/How-To017.jpg
  5. Go back to the peanut gallery, douchebag. Dude, its good that you're not hurt, but how the fuck could this bitch have just rocketed off a bunch of cars without fucking up her car enough to stop it? I just don't understand how some people can be so fucking retarded. Hope they catch the bitch and make her sign her fucking rent checks over to you to fix the car.
  6. 4chan owns you. 4chan owning you is embarassing. be ashamed
  7. this is gonna start a wonderful chain of threads
  8. 30% of adult americans smoke, and it's declining every year. this country has no reason to cater to THIS minority (catering to the minority of extremely wealthy is another argument) /thread
  9. they just did a thing about this on The Daily Show, specifically making fun of Cbus. p.s. we should change the name of this site to Bartertownracing.com
  10. Its up to the rational people to take power, just that no one has done it. You've probably never listened to Lewis Black's comedy cuz he's a raging liberal, but in one of his things he makes a good point. Remember all those companies around the Enron era where CEOs just stole millions and millions of dollars? Like those Tyco guys took something like half a billion? They're getting 10 years in jail, some even less. How many people's lives do you think they fucked up? A lot. And yet they're getting only a few years. That's irrational, and everyone, even the rational people, let it go.
  11. Rick, I think you've got me pinned as the wrong kinda person. I'm not a liberal by any means. I don't believe universal healthcare is a plausible solution to anything, I believe in 2nd amendment rights, I believe that hands-off economics works best. However, I am a vehement rationalist, and I believe that 90% of this country is a rational, silent group and 10% are irrational and very very loud, and because of this we often find ourselves putting irrational people in power.
  12. You win the thread. Hands down, this is probably the statement that EVERONE, democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, can embrace. This act is nothing new. In the declaration of a state of emergency, the president basically has all the power to do what he wants without asking Congress. The problem with today's government is that it is not representative of the people. It is completely corrupt. Politicians lie and cheat and do all they can to earn your vote, and you vote for someone because you believe he will do for you what you believe is in your best interest. Then they get into office and pursue the agendas that the fat checkbook holders want them to pursue, instead of helping those who voted for them (this goes for both dems and reps). The system was created so that if someone began to abuse his or her power in government, the people (well over 2/3 of the population in today's case) who are unhappy with the direction of policy could rise up and reinstate a government that actually followed the constitution. Today, if you tried to do that, you'd probably be sitting in an airport detention facility stripped naked and being interrogated by the FBI, Secret Service, US Marshals, and Homeland Security, all supposedly in the name of "protecting" the integrity of the government and the Constitution. I'll tell you all something; this country has no integrity right now. Other nations look at our leader and scoff at his inability to direct effective policy. They look at him and the blunder he has caused in Iraq. They look at him and think "do I really want to be allied with this buffoon?" And this man is supposed to represent all that we believe in this country? We are free; free to be spied upon by the NSA and free to be held with the suspension of habeas corpus. We are powerful; so powerful we must live in constant fear of terrorist guerrilla attacks. We are civilized; so civilized that while we can send hundreds of thousands of our men to fight in a desert while 74 million fat, idiotic people sit on their sofas and call in votes to American Idol.
  13. you are not a unique and beautiful snowflake
  14. if you can't stand the heat...
  15. the endless supply of NWS threads in the pics and vids section
  16. be careful downloading games on uTorrent, or in any other medium for that matter. the multimedia companies are really targeting games/movies instead of music nowadays. also, just effin buy it.
  17. no, you don't own firearms cuz you're a raging liberal. nothing wrong with that, though
  18. u r truly a bad azz edit: nah, you're alright
  19. reasons you shouldn't live in FL: taxes, old people, hurricaines, and insurance reasons you should live in FL: weather, manatees are cool too ways you can have the best of both worlds: vacation in FL problem solved
  20. go for the redline, man, i think they're pretty sweet lookin cars
  21. http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Misc/thisiswhythisiswhythisiswhyimhothot.png word
  22. I worked as a recruiter for a friend's company, so I can tell you that callbacks are, in general, a very good thing. I had one job to select five people from a pool of about 500, and all of this was done on the phone/online. The job was in Tacoma/Seattle. So after doing a ton of interviews on the phone and getting REALLY sick of trying to do my work to account for the 3 hour time difference, getting a callback with all the info I needed (aka a detailed resume...) was extremely helpful. Also, when there's 400 people, it's easy for me to lose your file amongst the masses...if you call me back and keep sending me info, it helps keep your file on top of the pile, even if you're not the most absolutely qualified. Another thing; don't bullshit on your resume. Recruiters are trained to see right through it, so when I see that between your stint in the Marines in 2005 and your job as an insurance underwriter in 2007 you were "Managing the family property in Pataskala", I know that you were sitting in the basement of your parent's farmhouse. Be honest, and BE DETAILED. The more detail we see on your resume, the better.
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