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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. So here's the kind of drunk nights I can think of and describe. Feel free to add your own. The All Nighter - An instant great, often associated with one of your boys seeing an ex girlfriend with some other guy, or some other drama where your buddy feels the need to assert his dominance and you tear him away from the fight. Often these nights don't involve a keg that much, they revolve around can after can of wonderful nourishment and a few puke sessions. The night culminates after that one guy manages to get himself together and proclaims that "we all gotta fucking go get hash browns at Waffle House NOW" and everyone excitedly jumps on the bandwagon. As you leave, you see the sun cracking the horizon and everyone comes the the realization that they better call off work right now. The Classic - A night that starts with a dozen or so shots of shitty vodka and/or rum, involves kegs, someone hooking up with a fat bitch, and everyone in the posse not talking about the night for several days. A lot of times, someone with a camera will have been dumb enough to produce photo evidence of said chubby-chasing, and thus the guy that hooks up with the fat bitch will have to live with the "moped" stigma until he can get a friend drunk enough to fuck an even fatter bitch next weekend. Fishing With Dynamite - Usually, the guys will pregame nice n easy with some mixed drinks, keep it in order enough to be able to drive, and will head out and do just that...hit on drunk freshman bitches that don't know better. A good night is always had by all, except that guy that can't spit game and ends up fucking the fat bitch, in which case he hopes everyone else gets drunk and he can write it off as a "Classic". The Blue Angels - Where the Blue Angels are the paragon of formation flying and precision maneuvers, this is an all for one night. Whether one of the boys just got dumped, or he's just on a cold streak, it becomes every man's goal to get that one guy some fresh pussy. Usually this night involves the wingmen getting completely shitfaced to distract everyone in the party, leaving Blue Angel One to execute precision acrobatics that allow him into some hot chick's no-fly zone. The "Aw Fuck" - You wake up to see 3 text messages and a voicemail from your ex who is wondering when you're going to pick her up for that dinner you promised her last night. Yep, you went on a drunk dialing spree, and now your mom thinks you're in jail and your ex thinks you love her. Aw fuck. The Miami Ink - Well, now you have a bigass tattoo of Gemini across your back. And you're a Libra. Maybe you'll stop drinking for a while? The Walk of Shame - You wake up in bed with a girl you've never met, in a house you've never seen, in a part of town you've never been in. You sneak out the front door, stumbling into your pants as you fall down the stairs. You walk to the closest side street as you raid your pants and jacket to call your friend for a ride home. You find: a 2 dollar bill, crumpled up and stuffed in a sock in your jacket pocket, a business card for "Parekh Patel" who apparently sells soap, a Budweiser Select bottlecap, a credit card receipt for 3 taquitos, a bag of cheetos, and a 2 liter of Shasta, and an empty condom wrapper. But no cell phone. Get walking, bitch. The Sketchball - All the dudes in your group think it'd be a great idea to go to that party someone posted on Facebook, so you all skeptically jump on the train or bus or whatever public transportation drunk out of your mind hoping for the best. You arrive at the party at 11pm to find that all 4 kegs are kicked, the cops are on the way, and someone is bleeding from the abdomen on the front porch...best to walk away from this one. As you all sit on the curb considering your options, a guy with dredlocks and a messenger bag asks if anyone wants some primo weed. Your druggie friend, feeling defeated, asks if he's got anything to "pick his night up", and of course sketchball says "yeah, come with me." You and your friends grudgingly indulge the druggie friend, thinking "hell there's nothing better to do". Again, you find yourself walking over bridges, through tunnels, and jumping fences in back alleys. You arrive at a house and walk in to see 7 kids on a sofa smoking a hookah with no less than what appears to be 4 kilos of blow on a desk. You and your boys decide your druggie friend is better off alone, you go find a new party and decide to just give him a few bucks for the cab ride home. The Coed Night - So you've got some cool chick friends that can hold their liquor and you decide to invite them out for the night. Maybe you'll hook up with one of them if she gets loosened up enough, but you don't really care. Well, somehow all the boys always forget that your female friends will always have one extra tagalong that is any combination of the following: A) fat B) a dramatic drunk C) can't hold her liquor D) cries when she drinks E) a nymphomaniac that needs to use YOUR bed to fuck some guy cuz your roomate is out of town and hers is a prude F) an utter bitch This coed night usually ends up in one of the guys in the group having sex with one of the girls and the next morning its just awkward for everyone, and the rest of the guys just laugh at all the great pictures and hilarious memories of the guy who drinks til a 4 becomes a 9.5. Thanks for listening CR, now you contribute
  2. man, i'm loving this political rampage...austin, i take none of it personally, i just love seeing intelligible debates going on in the Parking Lot
  3. Here's something to think about; that guy that shot his supervisor in the NASA building did so because of a poor performance review. Perfect mental health, did not own a gun, then 2 days after a poor performance review something snaps and he buys a S&W 5-shot and hollowpoint rounds, goes to NASA (somewhere HE BELONGS) and shoots his supervisor. So how is him filling out a form or the gun shop performing a background check in any way going to reflect his state of mind given immediately present events? And why should anyone be allowed to have hollowpoint rounds? The only people that need those are people that intend to kill, not defend themselves. Just adding fuel to this fire. EDIT: My main point here is that yes, in cases like at VA Tech, a few people with CCW licenses could have stopped Cho Seung-Hui from killing 32 people...while 32 casualties is way too much, I would argue that taking measures to prevent even one casualty is more important. You can't tell the family of the supervisor at NASA that CCW would have saved their beloved father/husband/son/whatever, because the gunman shot the supervisor and then turned the gun on himself. CCW isn't going to save that guy. Preventing the gunman from easily obtaining the gun would have.
  4. i think the biggest problem in gun legislature is that people think that politicians telling them their party's view on gun laws makes them "educated", when in fact I believe the average American is completely ignorant of everything firearms related.
  5. I guess people are ready to start pushing their agendas through this tragedy. This should spark some decent political debate, especially knowing guys like Mike (copperhead). http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/19/commentary.nugent/index.html
  6. LOL PRESIDENTOWNED seriously tho, thats some funny shit right there
  7. granted, but then it turns out that it was your period blood making your fingers red i wish i could get a new cell phone that actually worked
  8. granted, but its Columbus, Indiana i wish i could get away with these wishes without caveats
  9. granted, but its Neverland Ranch I wish I had an army of minions to do my bidding
  10. granted, but you are in Rex Grossman's ass I wish I had a million dollars
  11. granted, but then you'd know it was actually goat vagina i wish i knew what willis was talking about
  12. lets not bring the 2nd amendment/concealed carry shit into this and just mourn for the lives lost today. cliffs as far as i understand: 1) Shooter goes to his gf's to talk to her, RA confronts him, he kills them both and shoots some other people 2) Campus police lock down the dorm, assuming that it was a lovers quarrel and an isolated conflict 3) hours later, busts in to a class carrying a pair of guns and more than a few clips, chains the door closed, and starts lining people up to die it has been an awful few months...shootings every week or so, and so many innocent lives lost.
  13. so make a thread about it :jerkit:
  14. i like this n00b...he's got a good sense of humor
  15. THE LITTLE BROWN BOY POSTS!! hey, you ass you bit my style on your avatar...you suck. seriously though, i would only go see that movie if they promised bonus footage of Eddie Griffin crashing the Enzo
  16. i just found this fucking awesome program and had to share with the rest of you schmucks. I dunno how many of you use iTunes but I do because I'm one of the flock. iConcertCal is a program that runs in iTunes that goes through your entire library and syncs up a calender for concert dates of every artist in your library. enjoy http://www.iconcertcal.com/
  17. if by that you mean a retarded ape could do better with his penis, then i agree
  18. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/SNAKESONACAR.jpg hooray 2 minute mspaint
  19. iTunes is the wave of the future, as much as i hate to admit it
  20. "so eef you want to add dee two fractions, you haff to find dee lowest common deenomeenater" seeing 5 mexicans teaching elementary school math was the funniest part of the ep IMO
  21. it depends on what you want in a DD...are you the kind of person who is happy to go windows down or do you want AC? do you want a quiet, comfortable, businesslike ride where you may have to chauffeur clients around or do you not have that kind of job? is snow driving a concern to the point where you'd DEMAND awd? do you want high revving peppy stuff so you can get on it on the highway, or is it the kind of power you want down low so you can launch off the light? is MPG a concern? for my purposes, my old Celica was a great DD even though it was ungodly slow just because it was a comfortable 2-door that handled like a dream. I like RSXes, but I also think a GP GTP is a great choice.
  22. Rag-o-Rama on N High street...its waaaaay up past campus but its more vintage than thrift...but they don't take just ANY clothes so everything is good quality and not torn to shred or covered with crabs. you can get a $100 pair of jeans for $15 if you shop well
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