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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. oh GOD WHAT HAVE I STARTED. Seriously though, this is one of the times that I agree more than not with what desperado is saying (holy shit?!). All I'll say for the rest of this thread: "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." - Nietzsche
  2. yeah the hearing for the final punishment will be next week...i hope he gets suspended for a calendar year
  3. here's an idea...take your thumb out of your ass, use it to hitch a ride from a horny trucker, and get raped and killed.
  4. $12.43 and 3 magic jumping beans
  5. Early in the clip, they show where Moore took a cheap shot at Bertuzzi the previous night (Bertuzzi was wearing white on that check they showed). It was a late check, but not even close to worth the punishment he endured.
  6. i'll be around til next sunday, i'll bring the truck by and you can tinker to your heart's content.
  7. Well the thing that sucks with the McSorley hit is that I don't believe he actually intended to hurt him that badly. All the time in hockey guys will do what he did and try and egg the other enforcer on by hitting him on the arm or shoulder or something. I think McSorley was adequately punished, but I think Simon's hit was so much dirtier than the other two. Bertuzzi was trying to instigate Moore and when Moore ignored, he punched him and drove him down...yeah that was dirty, but Moore turned his back on Bertuzzi. I'm not saying he denied his chance to defend himself, but what Simon did is unacceptable. You can see that Simon intentionally forces the long end of his stick into Hollweg's throat/face area. Its not like it was a misguided crosscheck, or an inaccurate punch that followed through with the stick...he straight up took his stick and smacked Hollweg in the face.
  8. hahah where the hell did you meet a portuguese in columbus? i have yet to meet another one (other than my dad) in cbus.
  9. thanks mike. Anyways, I should probably continue by saying that the rust on the truck is only surface...yeah, I know eventually it'll eat away but the only place its begun to do that is on the rain lip around the top...I don't believe there is any surface rust, either. I'll be home tomorrow, so anyone who wants to check it out, name a time and place for a meeting and i'll be there.
  10. someone move this to the corral if his car is for sale... passing through
  11. Last night Chris Simon (NYI) took a clean hit from Ryan Hollweg (NYR) and retaliated with this: Just to give some historical context, Marty McSorely was found guilty of assault with a weapon when he laid this down on Donald Brashear, and was suspended for the last 23 games of that 2000 season. Then the ban extended to February 2001. As it turned out, McSorely never played hockey again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-sSoF40e30 And while we're watching Assholes on Ice, shall we check out Todd Bertuzzi's blindside suckerpunch on Steve Moore? Bertuzzi earned himself a 13-game suspension (remainder of the 03-04 season) and then he wasn't allowed to play anywhere else during the NHL lockout: http://youtube.com/watch?v=BFFLZQsT2AI
  12. wow drunk posting pwns me. in other news, take this shit out of my thread you fucking tards. thats what the kitchen is for.
  13. make what bet? i have a life outside of CR and i've been out with friends all night....BETTER GO CHECK EVERY OTHER THREAD!!!
  14. Okay, since a bunch of annoying (yet probably right) cunts on this board keep accusing me of not contributing jack shit to the automotive part of this board, I'm making an effort to amend my ways. So, CR, here's something I've had in mind. Should I spend a shitload of time and money working on the exterior/interior of the Apache, getting rid of rust, putting a sound system in, making the interior liveable and eventually show quality, and just making it an all around perfect car to look at; OR Should I spend a shitload of time and money getting shit done under the hood and along the drivetrain. I either want to get a Mustang II front clip, or apparently late 60's early 70's Camaro front ends will just weld right on. I'd do this in order to get disc brakes up front and potential to make the suspension a little softer. Also, a new transmission and rear end wouldn't hurt, since the beast tops out at about 65 for non-gas-guzzling speeds; OR Should I do nothing and save that time and money towards my pipe dreams of actually having some career in racing. Have at it, bitches.
  15. You drive the getaway vehicle.
  16. How this should have gone down: Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day.... Girl: Hey I need a favor Me: Ahhh that depends what it is Girl: I need some help with my compu...WHAT THE FUCK Me: Yeah, bitch, that's my dick...now take it in the ass Girl: Yes sir! Exchange fluids and I guess im headed to brown town. Conclusions: You're goddamn stone cold pimp:cool:
  17. even for a guy who can throw a punch, a haymaker from a 250 pound guy that can take a punch is gonna hurt...though i haven't thrown any punches lately, the farthest i've had to go to get anyone to see things my way was to lift a couple people by the neck (I had to slam one guy to the ground but he caved). it'll be good to get into some good old fashioned fisticuffs.
  18. [girl voice] do you know how hard it is to fight in heels!?!? [/gay] seriously, you're probably right.
  19. so this one time, i ghost rode the whip... i think i got herpes
  20. as long as I get to roll up in the Apache and have a bunch of 'goons' jump out of the bed and be ready to fight (hollywood style) i'll be happy.
  21. the new MX-5 is at such a higher level than the old ones. congrats on the purchase. i'll keep an eye out for your murse (man-purse)
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