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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. those LM cars are the ultimate in point-and-shoot power
  2. if linn was at the fashion show at BOMA's grand opening, he probably does have pics of elyse (my sis)
  3. if you've got em, the more power to you...as long as i don't have to see 'em
  4. SURPRISE!!!! I've just been fanning the flames trying to turn this into another one of those 40 page flamewar threads, but I can see its not gonna get like that. People aren't passionate enough about this one...yet. Either way, here's something for all you that I've been giving shit to: http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/guitarist_wanted.jpg
  5. boo hoo, you got banned from one of the likely myriad car/racing forums you're a member of. cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it.
  6. lol that right there is indication enough. seriously, that's the kind of insult I would've expected from a highschooler. do you have a firm grasp on the english language? do you have the cognitive capacity to think abstractly and come up with an original insult? that said, no one wants you here. your friends don't want you giving a bad name to Mount Vernon, and your posts are trite and have the intellectual equivalent of one of my bowel movements.
  7. as much as you're entitled to your opinion, everyone else is entitled to agree that you're basically a pubic crab.
  8. yet another thread you join that no one wants you in. fuck off, cuntmuscle. as per my previous post, i was being more or less a jackass. i was just saying i'd like to see a straight up hp/rpm graph. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/stfu_partycats.jpg
  9. That's HP/Roll speed. proves nothing about hp and redline.
  10. take that stupid collegehumor picture off your sig. its not funny, and i think i'm correct in saying it violates rules. and you're a fucking dumbass, please leave. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol2/shocker.jpg
  11. yeah, but its kinda like being a sponsor for women's basketball. sure, you're getting publicity but do you really want it? oh andhttp://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol/sign_tea.jpg
  12. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol/sign_dramallama.jpg i'm gonna keep spamming this lameass thread with lameass pictures until you guys clean the sand out of your respective vaginas or until it gets locked. hopefully the former. boo hoo people got banned. if i violated the explicit rules of CR, i wouldn't bitch if i got banned. fortunately, the couple times i have violated a rule or two, its been somewhat discreet, i've corrected my own mistake, and i havent started shit with the admins. conclusion: don't bite the hand that feeds, so to speak.
  13. Cool stuff, I've actually been looking for a way to get into NASA with a VERY limited (college student) budget. I've been doing the Mid-Ohio School for a few years, so I'm by far a rookie, but I've run pretty decent times against NASA racers in the school cars. EDIT: By the way, everyone on Columbusracing.com is a licensed and sponsored benchracer.
  14. lol cross-forum drama Linn, create your own goddamn forum if you're sick of getting banned. There is no guarantee of freedom of expression on a privately owned site, much less when that site is owned and operated under the name of a business that has a reputation to uphold. If you mentioned that another person or place was able to do a better tune on a mustang, I would EXPECT them to delete that comment/thread. Whether or not your comments were intended to target Slowmotion's reputation, its how the comments are recieved by the mods/admins and the other members of the board that shows the real meaning that they carry. In other words, you may mean well, but if you're being recieved as hostile, its easier for you to change the way you express your ideas. Slowmotion guys; you did a SHIT TON to help me and Barua on that blue turd, the Daytona for which I will forever be greatful. I'm not a member on your board, but it seems like in some cases, taking some of Linn's comments in stride would be slightly easier than censoring the hell out of him and banning. Shit, locking a thread is pretty easy and people don't tend to take notice to locked threads that much. Just think about it. Can we end this interforum drama, because it gets really lame when you start getting flame wars like "SLOWMOTION.COM SUCKS, COLUMBUSRACING.COM IS TEH GREATEST AND COLUMBUSSTREETRACING.COM IS TEH LOSE"
  15. jury duty in boston is a helluvalot easier. you go in on one day, they have you sit there for 6 hours and call you in if you're needed, and then if you're not needed you don't get another summons for 3 years.
  16. not real: get her into pregnancy porn chronic masturbation real: get her to do all the taxes. i'm completely serious, if she's any good at math, getting a head start couldn't hurt. get her some DVDs Sudoku...it'll make her brain hurt, but after a few you get into a rhythm and they are fun
  17. http://gallery.hd.org/_exhibits/bizarre/nude-skydiving-ANON.jpg Seriously, that is some funny-lookin shit. They look all caved in.
  18. haha i saw "bukkake" at the end of the link and knew i had to click. bitch probably did something to deserve it, anyways
  19. i'd like to see them get under the apache and see a catless 1959 exhaust...then the suspension would snap and crush them. fuckers
  20. is on a racing site with an svx
  21. Took my truck in while I had some time, he had some great ideas and I'll probably bring my business to him.
  22. 19/m/boston looking for 17-20/f that loves to suck cock. must be low-maint.
  23. Those guys: 4-dr extended bed dually giganto trucks with ABS, AC, traction control, crazy transfer case and auto transmission Me: 1959 Chevy Apache longbed, no power steering, 4 on the floor original transmission, RWD, drum brakes and a maximum speed of (unverified: broken speedometer) 70mph. And I still manage to control the thing more than those crazy fuckers in downtown traffic.
  24. I dunno about it, I'm a huge hater of the Pocket PC revolution, so I was hoping they would go more in the direction of a regular cell phone instead of a do-everything cellamajig. EDIT: Its a lot smaller than I expected. Its okay, but I still won't buy one.
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