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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/pedobear_bath_full.jpg
  2. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol5/wtfhaxes9.jpg I'M ABOUT TO BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i have a friend who is very interested, but needs a price
  4. doesn't NASA run a lot more events in central OH though? I feel like it'd be a lot cheaper to do that, since SCCA doesn't run at Mid-Ohio anymore
  5. http://nefariouslabs.r30.net/Dead%20Horse.jpg
  6. haha naw, not that long. my friend has asshair that long though. its legendary amongst our group of friends..and now CR
  7. my ass is hairy...what should i do? i figure as long as it doesn't stink, its ok.
  8. i've heard that the gillette fusion's razors are too close together and pull too much
  9. you know, it was that guy that got me thinking about the Camaro/Firebird/Mustang stock class in NASA, so I did some research and I've got an ok grasp of what that class'd look like, I was just wondering if anyone had any other experience in other classes.
  10. prince looked like aunt jemimah at the super bowl, don't even get me started on that
  11. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol5/whats.jpg
  12. hahaha i didn't think anyone would take this seriously, i thought i'd just get massively flamed for being a homo or some closed-minded shit like that. shave the balls, trim the rest, thats how i roll:cool: as a corollary, what do you like from the bitches? full on 70's bush? landing strip? your name? i'm a fan of the brazilian...it used to give me the feeling that i was fucking a 12 year old, but then i realized how fun fucking a 12 year old would be...jk, i just hate bush.
  13. i shave my balls...do you? i dunno, i'm just fuckin bored. take this shit as offtopic as you want.
  14. i'm actually dropping weight...i was up to a solid 260, so i've been doing the diet thing...as hard as it is to do in college
  15. yeah, i've definitely got more experience behind the wheel of FWD cars, but someone who weighs 10% of the car's weight would have a severe handicap...like me.
  16. hahaha that thing has a v6 in it
  17. a big blue and white apache? yeah, i can hook you up. this is what the cops'll be seeing http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/2434000-2434999/2434272_13_full.jpg
  18. I'm looking to break into the NASA scene, but in a more competitive sense. I don't really want to just do the lapping stuff, I'd like to really compete, so I ask all of you: what is the cheapest class of cars that I can break into that doesn't really require a whole lot of modification and upkeep (relatively). I'm a big guy, so the higher the weight, the less I'm handicapped by that.
  19. it depends what kind of plugs you have behind your head unit. go to a jag dealership and ask them if it'd work.
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