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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I didn't get my cell phone til i was 16, and even then my parents had me paying for all my overages and shit. A cell phone costs a lot of money and requires a 1 or 2 year committment in most cases. A butterfly knife will make him the coolest kid in 7th grade and he'll know how to defend himself.
  2. i didn't bother looking, but boston is supposed to be in the negatives w/wind chill in the coming days...or so i hear edit: according to weather channel, boston is gonna "feel like" -13 to -9 tomorrow
  3. so much talking, so little pussy abuse. linn, this is a new low for you.
  4. http://www.theonion.com you're welcome
  5. how the fuck did that thing not jam. isn't the glock 18 an auto?
  6. the only reason i use myspace is because i like to prey on 14 year old girls. now they make it harder to do that shit. fuck myspace.
  7. wouldn't a pound of weed be a pretty valuable trade?
  8. you flagrantly broke the rules. links only to NWS pics:doh:
  9. i smell a ban coming edit: no,thats turd i smell. fake edit: you're still gonna get banned.
  10. threadjack i've never seen turboslut. enlighten me.
  11. Maybe I'm just an insensitive prick, but why the hell does "Respect for the dead" mean a huge procession of black Cadillacs and so forth driving silently down the road escorted by police? Fuckin' dead people probably wouldn't want you wasting your tears. Though I do respect many culture's views on death and mourning (Shivah in the Jewish tradition, for example, is a week of mourning without doing anything but that), I personally would want people to not be howling and crying and turning my death into a burden on everyone, whether that means trying to make everyone not be depressed about my death, or whether it means not incumbering the lives of daily commuters with a quarter-mile long unbreachable crazy train.
  12. I don't think I ever said it was all the defense, but I may be wrong. The point I was trying to get across was that last night's game wasn't about which quarterback was going to come through in the pinch, it was about whose defense would.
  13. spaceghost, lets break down the scoring: Patriots 7-0: Logan Mankins fumble recovery in the endzone after Maroney fumble Colts 3-7: Vinatieri 42 yarder Patriots 14-3: Corey Dillon 7 yards Patriots 21-3: Peyton Manning interception returned for TD by Asante Samuel Colts 6-21: Vinatieri good from 26 Colts 13-21: 1 yard run by Peyton Manning...tell me that couldn't have been done by Sorgi (spell his name right) Colts 21-21: Dan Klecko 1 yd reception + Marvin Harrison 2 pt conversion. This I'll give to Manning, but on the conditional that you recognize that there's a good 5 or 6 QB's in the NFL that could do this as well. Patriots 28-21: Jabar Gaffney 6 yd reception on a pretty bad pass by Tom Brady Colts 28-28: Jeff Saturday fumble recovery in the end zone Patriots 31-28: Gostkowski 28 yds Colts 31-31: Vinatieri 36 yds Patriots 34-31: Gostkowski 43 yds Colts 38-34: Joseph Addai 3 yd run Brady: 21/34, 232, 1TD, 1INT Manning, 27/47, 349, 1TD, 1INT Not a particularly stunning game for either quarterback. I would say that Peyton was able to move the ball down the field on a few big catches by Clark, a few broken tackles from Wayne, because WHEN IT COUNTED MOST, the Colts D held up and the Pats D didn't.
  14. Phishing? Is that like when Trey Anastasio reaches into your pocket and tries to rob you of $300 to get tickets to their shows (when they still were together)?
  15. Its not people like you, doc, that gets me ticked at Payton. Its those fucks in Bristol. Year in and year out, its a fucking Manning vs. Brady bowl. I would argue that last night was proof that when the Colts play the Pats, it has little-to-nothing to do with the quarterbacks. Reche Caldwell's hands were so slippery, you would've thought him to be a prepubescent kid the way he was dropping balls. The Pats secondary was covering both Wayne and Harrison in a way I haven't seen all season. Samuel had a game that could only be compared to his performance against Sexy Rexy. Bob Sanders had a great game. The Colts linebackers weren't all that spectacular, but Brady had a blue #93 in his face nearly the whole game. I realize that Manning tossed for nearly 350, but that's pretty much expected, especially in a high-pressure game. Last night was one of the greatest games I've ever watched because it wasn't about Manning's perennial choke, or Brady's perennial comeback. The Pats were always up. The Colts were always down. How could Brady have comeback from a 21-6 lead? How could Payton choke on a 6-21 deficit? I guess what I'm saying doc, *tear* is that its not Payton that I hate....its the idea of Payton. All kidding aside though, I guess I just don't like the guy and the media attention just exacerbates that.
  16. I don't know why everyone has a need do slurp up Manning's cock. I will admit over and over again that he's a GREAT quarterback. He absolutely deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and he's probably going to be considered one of the (if not THE) greatest quarterbacks of all time. That doesn't mean I have to fucking like the guy. Everyone who loves the NFL recognizes that Shawne Merriman is a great linebacker, regardless of if he did a shit ton of steroids or not. No requirement that you love him. I'm just saying, I really dislike the way he's made his career choices outside of football. Is that something to villainize me about? You know who I love? Chad Johnson. The most he's ever done on TV is the Fathead commercials, his "antics" that he constantly gets fined for are more or less harmless ("Ocho Cinco" on his jersey, custom designed graphics on his shoes showing TD catches he's made). He's a genuine goofball that predicted outcomes of games based on absolutely nothing more than his inflated ego. But he did it with a sense of humor, and he didn't whore himself out for meaty endorsement contracts nearly as much as Manning did.
  17. special teams is gonna play a huge role in the super bowl, but yeah, manning shouldn't have too much trouble throwing on the bears, Reggie Wayne is gonna be open all day long.
  18. No, someone marketable would be a name that an entire fanbase for a sport rallies behind; someone like LaDanian Tomlinson. Someone whose actions on the field speak loudly enough and market themselves. I don't need an idiot quarterback whose demeanor is comparable to that of a stroke victim telling me how awesome Mastercard and Sprint Mobile are.
  19. your car is worth nothing unless someone is willing to write you a check for what you want, or to trade you something of equal value to you. economics 101.
  20. lol double post. don't be so sure. Chicago proved today that they still know how to play the defense they showed us all in the first half of the season.
  21. yeah fuck all this "deserves" shit. two sundays from now, he can prove to us all he deserves it. Laser Rocket Arm vs. The Sex Cannon
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