Its nearly 3am and nothing useful has happened on CR today. The AMC Boys thread died faster than a snitch in a Tarantino flick, Linn didn't post something that made me simultaneously puke and question my faith in humankind, and no one, to my knowledge, has been banned. Even more importantly, there's been no benchracing, and the only argument that I've really seen continue through the day has been Thorne and coltboostin arguing about skunks.
And now for something completely different.
Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter is pregnant. I say fuck all the people who are condemning this (for whatever reason, liberal or conservative) because the child will never have a father, or because the child won't have the rights of a heterosexual couple (VA banned same-sex marriage). The liberal gay-rights activists are saying that this child will grow up abnormally because its in a family with a vocal opposition to gay marriage. The conservative side is saying that this is a bad example, because not all children of gay couples will have the financial advantage that this child will, and some other jibba jabba that basically amounts to more ignorance.
Why the fuck does it matter? Why does a gay couple infringe on anyone else? I don't get it. I don't want the gov't to force the church to marry gays, but why should the government take a religion-based stance against gay marriage?
Alright, someone say something offensive or controversial.