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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Yeah, I was in boston and found a guy's wallet and did some reverse phone directory searching and found the guy who was literally devastated until i called. he refused to leave until I accepted the $60 he gave me. it just feels good to do the right thing. people in this world work hard as fuck, and its just good karma that they get their shit back. i know that eventually i'll lose my phone or wallet and i just hope someone will be good enough to return it.
  2. yeah i already turned it in, but i posted this in retrospect because the guys in the place looked at me like i was looney for doing the right thing instead of just keeping and selling. I wondered if there were any good people left in the world.
  3. I went into Flexicom today (DJ's place for those that don't know) with a cell phone I'd found. The battery was dead, and I wanted to see if they could find the owner so the owner could come get it. I know I'd be ripping my hair out over a lost phone, because that means lost numbers and everything. Keep in mind this was a cheap phone (LG VX4500) and considering mine is a helluvalot better, I've got no reason to keep it. When I brought it in, DJ's coworker looked at me like I was out of my damn mind. What was I thinking returning a phone, instead of just selling it on eBay or craigslist? So how many of you, given the minimal profit from selling such a phone, would do the right thing and try and find the true owner? Am I crazy?
  4. maurice clarett is hilarious. his ghettoness makes me laugh.
  5. beating of the noobs or beating off the noobs... pervert
  6. There are so many things wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin. Lets just say if you can't satisfy a donkey, get out of this thread now.
  7. Yeah, I know there was already a thread identical to this with an identical title. You can have a sniff at my perineum if you don't like it. I don't spend too much time in The Classroom, though as the one of the few people on this board that prides himself in his ability to be an asshole and still adhere to the grammatical rules of the english language, I occasionally stop in to check out the fresh meat and possibly start some shit to separate the men from the boys. I stopped in earlier tonight to see what the summer n00bs are bringing to the board, and all I noticed was "welcome" after "welcome" from FNG's who are relatively unknown on the boards. What's the problem here? WE'RE BEING SOFT ON THE FROSHIES! I remember the days when we'd bitch all day at people like coltboostin' and his prick posse and it was relatively easy to ignore the ricers. Now that we've lost them, we're picking on redstalliongt for his scams, but seriously, where is the flame? There are still a good amount of new fuckers gettin' on the boards and they're going to start thinking its all fun and games and they'll get away being a ricer prick without knowing shit about cars, proof of which is seen in redstalliongt. EDIT: I guess this shoulda gone in the kitchen. Move?
  8. the new PS2 slim runs hot because they sacrificed cooling ability for size. Just keep it somewhere it can get fresh air when its running. As for the saving, I have no idea.
  9. I really don't know what to say about that load of blatherskite, so I'll just quote myself.
  10. holy fuck something INSIGHTFUL!? I do agree that what he's done is relatively harmless, but he's just a troll that sells shit and seems generally skeevy. thats just my humble opinion, but i agree with thorne on this one.
  11. the new 3 series are alright. I'm not a huge fan of any of the E60+ models. The G35 is hawt. Classy and sporty, definitely the most sophisticated choice. 350Z; not unless you want every ricer on earth trying to get a piece of you. EVO: same as the 350Z Fuck the X-type. Piece of low-quality american throwaway shit with a new badge. Wrap shit in aluminum foil and sell it to the queen of england as earrings, and its still shit (50 coolness points if you get the movie reference) Audi TT: better to wait for the next generation ones; even still, current TT's have the NICEST interior design of any car on the road, but expect lackluster performance Mercedes C230: nice benz, peppy, sporty, and generally a nice car. That said, its a shop queen. She'll be a pain in the ass and be in the shop a lot. Faulty electronics > you. Lexus IS: Nice cars, haven't heard any complaints about them. I'd say test drive one.
  12. This was absolute redemption for ruining The Matrix with the two sequels.
  13. at least the back doesn't resemble in any way the shitty decklids that BMW has been churning out of the 6- and 7-series
  14. i watched him do that shit live. hands down most insane moment of the year. i can't believe he didn't die.
  15. http://www.jpb.com/pictures/valpocella.jpg
  16. i dont miss a goddamn thing about high school. it blows, and college is both more alcoholic and liberated.
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