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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. there are very few beers i can't stomach...i thought i couldn't take PBR, but i drank a good amount of it last night at a party and survived...Beast Light is still the only thing that i have yet to conquer, and still have no desire to conquer
  2. it appears to use compressed air as propulsion. whereas a potato cannon uses a spark and "aquanet"
  3. I'd say it was a waste, but Beast Light can officially suck my left nut. On another note, who wants to build one of these http://youtube.com/watch?v=_zxlFoZhOC4&mode=related&search=
  4. you, sir, should solicit your services...thats a damn good look
  5. thats why my myspace picture is the burger king...i just make a mockery of the whole thing and give people shit for being on there
  6. http://images.pez.multiply.com/image/11/photos/4/500x500/kittah.jpg/?et=NPVXp2ipzlSEZaZKwcmz%2Cghttp://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d170/GlowSex/kittah_fangs.jpg http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/9/25716171097.jpg http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/9/25716171140.jpg edit: clicky clicky on the last 2
  7. http://thatwasrandom.com/random/images/65.jpg
  8. 6'3" Dad - 5'8" (short european) Mom - 5'7" I'm the tallest person in my family by 3 inches as far as our geneology has been recorded...my mom must've gotten a visit from the mailman or something. Also, my sister is 5'10", a little taller than my maternal grandmother. We're the mutated generation i guess. On a side note, I've been 6'3" since I was in 7th grade.
  9. her nose makes mister ed look like michael jackson. http://photos-388.facebook.com/ip005/v40/128/80/42707342/n42707342_30421388_5177.jpg
  10. You're a fucking idiot. Do you realize what could happen if someone were blinded like that at any kind of speed?? Its one thing to flip someone off or lay on your horn, but when you start A) fucking with their car and B) putting others lives at any kind of risk, thats not OK. Go fuck yourself.
  11. I dated a girl I didn't like for 3 months just to get back at a friend. I've devirginized too many girls out of the total number I've slept with. I've been a victim of statutory rape (slept with a 20 year old when I was 17)...and liked it. I have an unhealthy addiction to bisexual girls. I enjoy snuff...yes, as in nasal tobacco that guys like King Henry VIII did. Every hard drug I've ever done has been accidental, mostly due to inabilitly to discern innocent things while intoxicated. Example: Took a big swig out of a nalgene as a chaser thinking it was water, only to find out I had just chugged a buttload of mushroom tea. I go to college with Laurence Fishburne's son (Morpheus from the Matrix). I've met OJ Simpson's daughter...and lived. I'm into underground jazz, and am in love with the work of Jonathan Kreisberg. My cousin is the bassist for Isis, and is on tour with Tool. I have more old man tendencies than anyone else my age: I love to sit down with a glass of Johnny Walker and a cuban cigar and not be interrupted for hours. I'm the only person at my school who is more conservative than liberal, but wishes the school would be more fucking liberal. If someone doesn't constantly challenge me, I find them boring. I listen to more genres of music than you do, and am not pretentious about it at all: the last three songs on my playlist were "Closet Freak" (cee-lo), "Who Am I" (snoop), and "Eye" (Smashing Pumpkins).
  12. I dunno if I know more than you, but I worked at Java's Cyber Espresso Bar for 2 and a half years. I probably understand most of what you have to offer.
  13. I've flown more places in this world than most of the people on this board, including a couple illegal trips into Brazil and into the Amazon. I've got an acute hatred of bees because I stepped in an underground hornet nest and subsequently had a knee the size of a honeydew. When I was 8 years old I had to undergo a spinal tap to test for meningitis; I'm still creeped out by needles of any kind. I've been in many a fight, but have never punched anyone in the face. They all ended before that was necessary. I've broken every finger at least once, and my left pinky finger is about 1cm shorter than my right because of the bone shattering and having to be rebroken to be set. Despite being a complete fatass, I was a 2nd team all-league goalie in HS. I was nearly blinded in a skiing accident where a branch sliced the top of my right eyelid, took a chunk out of the bridge of my nose, and sliced right under my left eyelid. I've got enough head injuries to make Troy Aikman wince.
  14. http://photos-379.ak.facebook.com/ip004/v37/128/80/42707342/n42707342_30359379_792.jpg the bitch in Coastal Carolina...she's the quintessential brownbag
  15. blasphemy. Qdoba has better veggies...their lettuce is good, and their cheese is fresh and they also have a helluvalot better selection, but the meat isn't as good and the cilatro rice at chipotle pwns all.
  16. shame on all of you, taking chipotle for granted. out here in boston we're not so fortunate as to have chipotle in all its glory. we have to deal with "qdoba" which is an ample substitute, but still does not deliver the 1200 calorie, stomach-churning love that a chipotle burrito can. if anyone would like to help, you can send a box of chipotle burritos to Alex Caxide, Box 7166 (not PO Box...just Box) 91 Bay State rd, Boston, MA, 02215. I take mine with chicken, black beans, corn+ a little hot salsa, sour cream, and lots of cheese.
  17. why the FUCK didn't i hop on CR and join the fray last night...jack daniels made me angry and some fun posts would've inevitably spawned.
  18. what fucking magical cameraphone do you have that takes that good photos????
  19. yeah, his friend/producer said he saw the video and its hard to watch...i wanna see....it'll be on ogrish soon or something.
  20. so you're pissed at the woman for trying to reason with you even as you were getting more and more pissed off? who is the moron? yea she should've given you her info, but have some courtesy.
  21. I'd say thats a good enough stamp of approval for me, given the nature of your career.
  22. Croc hunter died!? http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/04/australia.irwin/index.html
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